
GeoServer docker image

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A geoserver docker image

This Dockerfile can be used to create images for all geoserver versions since 2.5.

  • Debian based Linux
  • OpenJDK 11
  • Tomcat 9
  • GeoServer
    • Support of custom fonts (e.g. for SLD styling)
    • CORS support
    • Support extensions
    • Support additional libraries

How to Use

How to run official release?

To pull an official image use docker.osgeo.org/geoserver:{{VERSION}}, e.g.:

docker pull docker.osgeo.org/geoserver:2.21.1

Afterwards you can run the pulled image locally with:

docker run -it -p 80:8080 docker.osgeo.org/geoserver:2.21.1

Or if you want to start the container daemonized, use e.g.:

docker run -d -p 80:8080 docker.osgeo.org/geoserver:2.21.1

Check http://localhost/geoserver to see the geoserver page, and login with geoserver default admin:geoserver credentials.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please change the default geoserver and master passwords.

For more information see the user-guide docker installation instructions.

How to mount an external folder for use as a data directory

To use an external folder as your geoserver data directory.

docker run -it -p 80:8080 \
  --mount src="/absolute/path/on/host",target=/opt/geoserver_data/,type=bind \

An empty data directory will be populated on first use. You can easily update GeoServer while using the same data directory.

How to start a GeoServer without sample data?

This image populates /opt/geoserver_data/ with demo data by default. For production scenarios this is typically not desired.

The environment variable SKIP_DEMO_DATA can be set to true to create an empty data directory.

docker run -it -p 80:8080 \
  --env SKIP_DEMO_DATA=true \

How to issue a redirect from the root ("/") to GeoServer web interface ("/geoserver/web")?

By default, the ROOT webapp is not available which makes requests to the root endpoint "/" return a 404 error. The environment variable ROOT_WEBAPP_REDIRECT can be set to true to issue a permanent redirect to the web interface.

How to download and install additional extensions on startup?

The startup.sh script allows some customization on startup:

  • INSTALL_EXTENSIONS to true to download and install extensions
  • STABLE_EXTENSIONS list of extensions to download and install

Example installing wps and ysld extensions:

docker run -it -p 80:8080 \
  --env INSTALL_EXTENSIONS=true --env STABLE_EXTENSIONS="wps,ysld" \

The list of extensions (taken from SourceForge download page):

app-schema   gdal            jp2k          ogr-wps          web-resource
authkey      geofence        libjpeg-turbo oracle           wmts-multi-dimensional
cas          geofence-server mapml         params-extractor wps-cluster-hazelcast
charts       geopkg-output   mbstyle       printing         wps-cluster-hazelcast
control-flow grib            mongodb       pyramid          wps-download
css          gwc-s3          monitor       querylayer       wps-jdbc
csw          h2              mysql         sldservice       wps
db2          imagemap        netcdf-out    sqlserver        xslt
dxf          importer        netcdf        vectortiles      ysld
excel        inspire         ogr-wfs       wcs2_0-eo

How to install additional extensions from local folder?

If you want to add geoserver extensions/libs, place the respective jar files in a directory and mount it like

docker run -it -p 80:8080 \
  --mount src="/dir/with/libs/on/host",target=/opt/additional_libs,type=bind \

How to add additional fonts to the docker image (e.g. for SLD styling)?

If you want to add custom fonts (the base image only contains 26 fonts) by using a mount:

docker run -it -p 80:8080 \
  --mount src="/dir/with/fonts/on/host",target=/opt/additional_fonts,type=bind \

Note: Do not change the target value!


How to watch geoserver.log from host?

To watch geoserver.log of a running container:

docker exec -it {CONTAINER_ID} tail -f /opt/geoserver_data/logs/geoserver.log

How to use the docker-compose demo?

The docker-compose-demo.yml to build with your own data directory and extensions.

Stage geoserver data directory contents into geoserver_data, and any extensions into additional_libs folder.

Run docker-compose:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-demo.yml up --build

How to Build?

How to build a local image?

docker build -t {YOUR_TAG} .

How to run local build?

After building run using local tag:

docker run -it -p 80:8080 {YOUR_TAG}

How to build a specific GeoServer version?

docker build \
  --build-arg GS_VERSION={YOUR_VERSION} \
  -t {YOUR_TAG} .

How to build with custom geoserver data directory?

docker build \
  -t {YOUR_TAG} .

Note: The passed path must not be absolute! Instead, the path should be within the build context (e.g. next to the Dockerfile) and should be passed as a relative path, e.g. GS_DATA_PATH=./my_data/

Can a build use a specific GeoServer version AND custom data?

Yes! Just pass the --build-arg param twice, e.g.

docker build \
  --build-arg GS_VERSION={VERSION} \
  --build-arg GS_DATA_PATH={PATH} \
  -t {YOUR_TAG} .

How to build with additional libs/extensions/plugins?

Put your *.jar files (e.g. the WPS extension) in the additional_libs folder and build with one of the commands from above! (They will be copied to the GeoServer WEB-INF/lib folder during the build.)

Note: Similar to the GeoServer data path from above, you can also configure the path to the additional libraries by passing the ADDITIONAL_LIBS_PATH argument when building:

docker build \
  -t {YOUR_TAG} .

How to release?

How to publish official release?

OSGeo maintains geoserver-docker.osgeo.org repository for publishing. The results are combined into docker.osgeo.org repository alongside other software such as PostGIS.

Build locally:

docker build -t geoserver-docker.osgeo.org/geoserver:2.21.1 .

Login using with osgeo user id:

docker login geoserver-docker.osgeo.org

Push to osgeo repository:

docker push geoserver-docker.osgeo.org/geoserver:2.21.1