
MyCoRe/MODS Institutional Repository

Primary LanguageXSLTGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

MIR Build Status Codacy Badge

MIR (acronym for MyCoRe/MODS Institutional Repository) is an open source repository software that is build upon MyCoRe and MODS.

Installation instructions for developer

Detailed instructions for application usage you can find on MIR Documentation site.

This guide addresses developers. Thats why you run it in 'dev' profile!

  • run mvn clean install -am -pl mir-webapp in mir folder
  • add profile dev to your .m2/settings.xml including path to solr home and solr data
  • initialize solr configuration using git submodule update --init --recursive
  • to start solr, go to mir-webapp
  • install solr with the command: mvn -Pdev solr-runner:copyHome
  • run solr with the command: mvn -Pdev solr-runner:start
  • stop solr with the command: mvn -Pdev solr-runner:stop
  • update solr with the command: mvn -Pdev solr-runner:stop solr-runner:copyHome solr-runner:start
  • to starting up a servlet container in development environment go back to mir folder
  • run mvn install -am -pl mir-webapp && mvn -Pdev -Dtomcat org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven3-plugin:run -pl mir-webapp


  1. Installation hangs while generating secret
    There is entropy missing for GPG key generation. For ubuntu eg. you can use rng-tools:
    apt-get install rng-tools
    rngd -r /dev/urandom
  2. Can't export using bibtex button on metadata page
    install bibutils
  3. How can I use MyCoRe command line interface (not WebCLI)?
    Set JAVA_OPTS environment variable to -DMCR.DataPrefix=dev before running.
  4. How can I get more than one connection to h2?
    add ;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE in jdbc url (configured in persistence.xml)

mir Docker-Container

The docker container has its own install script which uses the environment variables.

Environment Variables

Property Default, required Description
SOLR_URL none, required The URL to the SOLR Server. Same as MCR.Solr.ServerURL in mycore.properties.
SOLR_CORE mir The name of the Solr main core. Same as MCR.Solr.Core.main.Name in mycore.properties.
SOLR_CLASSIFICATION_CORE mir-classifications The name of the Solr classification core. Same as MCR.Solr.Core.classification.Name in mycore.properties.
JDBC_NAME none, required The username for the Database authentication. Same as javax.persistence.jdbc.user in persistence.xml.
JDBC_PASSWORD none, required The password for the Database authentication. Same as javax.persistence.jdbc.password in persistence.xml.
JDBC_DRIVER none, required The driver for the Database. Same as javax.persistence.jdbc.driver in persistence.xml. If you use org.postgresql.Driver, org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver, org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver, org.h2.Driver or com.mysql.jdbc.Driver the right database drivers get downloaded by the installer script.
JDBC_URL none, required The url for the Database.
JDBC_SCHEMA public The schema for the Database. Same as hibernate.default_schema in persistence.xml.
APP_CONTEXT mir The url context in which the app lives. (The .war will be renamed to the $APP_CONTEXT.war)
MCR_CONFIG_DIR /mcr/home/ The location for the home directory. Same as the MCR.ConfigDir .
MCR_DATA_DIR /mcr/data/ The location for the data directory. Same as MCR.datadir in mycore.properties.
XMX 1g The value of the -Xmx parameter for Tomcat.
XMS 1g The value of the -Xms parameter for Tomcat.
FIX_FILE_SYSTEM_RIGHTS false If true the file system rights of the mounted volumes get corrected to be owned by the right user.
MIR_OPTS Additional options which will be passed as JAVA_OPTS to the tomcat process

Mount Points

The paths in MCR_CONFIG_DIR and MCR_DATA_DIR should be mounted. Default values are /mcr/home/ and /mcr/data/. When starting the container the first time you may receive errors like java.io.FileNotFoundException: /mcr/home/mycore.active.properties (Permission denied) this is because the container runs as user mcr and the mounted volumes are owned by root. To fix this you can set the docker property FIX_FILE_SYSTEM_RIGHTS to true. This will change the owner of the mounted volumes to mcr and the container will start without errors.

mir-solr Docker-Container

The docker container creates the required solr cores if they do not exist.

Mount Points

The path /var/solr/data should be mounted, it contains all persistent data.


There is an example docker-compose.yml which can be used for local development. The ports and other settings can be changed in the .env file. You can use the commands:

mvn clean install -Pdev -Dtomcat clean install && docker-compose up --build

There is another example docker-compose.prod.yml which uses prebuild images which are stored at dockerhub. You can start them with the commands:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up

It's strongly recommended to add a reverse proxy like Apache or Nginx in front.


For the moment see agis-:Git-Style-Guide and use it with the following exceptions:

  • Subject to commits is in form: {JIRA-Ticket} {Ticket summary} {Commit summary}, like MIR-526 Git-Migration add .travis.yml
  • Branch name to work on a ticket is in form: issues/{JIRA-Ticket}-{Ticket_Summary}, like issues/MIR-526-Git_Migration

Stay tuned for more information. 🙇