Simple Objective-C++ wrapper for Blackmagic DeckLink API (C++ APIs).
- Requirement: macOS 15.x, 14.x, 13.x, 12.x, 11.x, 10.15, 10.14.
- Capture Device: Blackmagic DeckLink devices/UltraStudio devices.
- Restriction: Compressed/Synchronized captures are not supported.
- Dependency: DeckLinkAPI.framework from Blackmagic_Desktop_Video_Macintosh (11.4-11.7, 12.0-12.9, 14.0-14.2)
- Architecture: Universal binary (x86_64 + arm64)
NOTE: This framework is under development.
: Following interfaces are not supported. (Section # are from SDK 12.9 pdf)
: 2.5.8 IDeckLinkVideoFrame3DExtensions
: 2.5.18 IDeckLinkMemoryAllocator
: 2.5.26 IDeckLinkGLScreenPreviewHelper
: 2.5.27 IDeckLinkCocoaScreenPreviewCallback
: 2.5.28 IDeckLinkDX9ScreenPreviewHelper
: 2.5.35 IDeckLinkEncoderInput
: 2.5.36 IDeckLinkEncoderInputCallback
: 2.5.37 IDeckLinkEncoderPacket
: 2.5.38 IDeckLinkEncoderVideoPacket
: 2.5.39 IDeckLinkEncoderAudioPacket
: 2.5.40 IDeckLinkH265NALPacket
: 2.5.41 IDeckLinkEncoderConfiguration
: 2.5.44 IDeckLinkVideoConversion
: 2.5.50 IDeskLinkMetalScreenPreviewHelper
: 2.5.51 IDeckLinkWPFDX9ScreenPreviewHelper
: 2.6.x Any Streaming Interface APIs
import Cocoa
import DLABridging
var device :DLABDevice? = nil
var running :Bool = false
do {
let browser = DLABBrowser()
_ = browser.registerDevicesForInput()
let deviceList = browser.allDevices
device = deviceList.first!
if let device = device {
try device.setInputScreenPreviewTo(parentView)
// To capture HDMI
var videoConnection :DLABVideoConnection = .HDMI
var audioConnection :DLABAudioConnection = .embedded
// To capture SVideo+RCA
var videoConnection :DLABVideoConnection = .sVideo
var audioConnection :DLABAudioConnection = .analogRCA
// To prepare SD Video setting
var vSetting:DLABVideoSetting? = nil
try vSetting = device.createInputVideoSetting(of: .modeNTSC,
pixelFormat: .format8BitYUV,
inputFlag: [])
// To prepare stereo Audio setting
var aSetting:DLABAudioSetting? = nil
try aSetting = device.createInputAudioSetting(of: .type16bitInteger,
channelCount: 2,
sampleRate: .rate48kHz)
// To support NTSC-SD CleanAperture and PixelAspectRatio
if let vSetting = vSetting {
try vSetting.addClapExt(ofWidthN: 704, widthD: 1,
heightN: 480, heightD: 1,
hOffsetN: 4, hOffsetD: 1,
vOffsetN: 0, vOffsetD: 1)
try vSetting.addPaspExt(ofHSpacing: 40,
vSpacing: 33)
// To capture using preferred CVPixelFormat
var myCVPixelFormat :OSType = kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA
vSetting.cvPixelFormatType = myCVPixelFormat
try vSetting.buildVideoFormatDescription()
// To support HDMI surround audio; audioSetting channelCount should be 8
var hdmiAudioChannels = 6 // HDMI surround 5.1ch
var reverseCh3Ch4 = true // For layout of (ch3, ch4) == (LFE, C)
if let aSetting = aSetting, videoConnection == .HDMI, audioConnection == .embedded,
audioChannels == 8, audioChannels >= hdmiAudioChannels, hdmiAudioChannels > 0 {
// rebuild formatDescription to support HDMI Audio Channel order
try aSetting.buildAudioFormatDescription(forHDMIAudioChannels: hdmiAudioChannels,
swap3chAnd4ch: reverseCh3Ch4)
if let vSetting = vSetting, let aSetting = aSetting {
device.inputDelegate = self
try device.enableVideoInput(with: vSetting, on: videoConnection)
try device.enableAudioInput(with: aSetting, on: audioConnection)
try device.startStreams()
running = true
} catch {
public func processCapturedVideoSample(_ sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer,
of sender:DLABDevice) {
public func processCapturedAudioSample(_ sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer,
of sender:DLABDevice) {
public func processCapturedVideoSample(_ sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer,
timecodeSetting setting: DLABTimecodeSetting,
of sender:DLABDevice) {
running = false
if let device = device {
try device.stopStreams()
try device.disableVideoInput()
try device.disableAudioInput()
device.inputDelegate = nil
try device.setInputScreenPreviewTo(nil)
} catch {
device = nil
- See: Blackmagic DeckLink SDK pdf Section 2.2.
- Ref: "Entitlement Key Reference/App Sandbox Temporary Exception Entitlements" from Apple Developer Documentation Archive
- Set to YES.
- Ref: "Documentation/Bundle Resources/Entitlements/Hardened Runtime/Disable Library Validation Entitlement" from Apple Developer Documentation.
- macOS 15.0 Sequoia
- Xcode 16.0
- Swift 6.0
- The MIT License
Copyright © 2017-2024年 MyCometG3. All rights reserved.