
A Golang Moonpay.io signer

Primary LanguageHCL


A Golang Moonpay.io signer


Creates a moonpay signer with your secret key that exposes a CORS-enabled POST endpoint at moonpay.[your_root_domain].com/sign, to sign query-strings as specified in the moonpay.io/getting_started documentation


git, terraform, aws cli

To Deploy:

  1. git clone https://github.com/mycryptohq/moonpaysigner.git
  2. cd moonpaysigner
  3. make deploy -> builds the go app and zips it up.
  4. cd terraform && cp ex-tfvars.txt terraform.tfvars-> copies the example tfvars file to a new tfvars file.
  5. Change the new terraform.tfvars's vars to include the correct secrey moonpay key and endpoint.
  6. terraform init
  7. terraform apply
  8. Approve the cert validation for the new acm cert created for moonpay.[your_root_domain].com using aws console or cli.

Wha-bam. That should be all you need to do :-)