
An example of a test task for creating a simple currency converter application for the Android platform. The app is developed using Kotlin, MVI, Dagger Hilt, Retrofit, Jetpack Compose.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Simple Currency Converter

Simple Currency Converter Android App by Isaev Semyon

An example of a test task for creating a simple currency converter application for the Android platform. The app is developed using Kotlin, MVI, Dagger Hilt, Retrofit, Jetpack Compose.

Screen shots



  • Architecture MVI
    • Data (for dto, database, API).
    • Domain (for model, use case, repositories).
    • Screens (for for UI logic, viewModels, viewStates end events)
  • Dependency injection with Hilt.
  • Reactive programming with kotlin coroutines.
  • Networking with Retrofit
  • Local data with Room.
  • Jetpack Compose for UI.

Application architecture MVI