Simple DogeNano Explorer

Live Demo -

Dogenano is a much fast cryptocurrency with 0 fee and <1s transactions

This repo shows how the dogenano node can be queried from client side and send data,

  • Easy to fork and improve
  • DogeIcon displayed for accounts
  • Nodejs Backend

You can also log live transactions by taking reference to archive.html.

Written from scratch. Help to improve it by making pr, will make more releases soon ^^ Note: Sorry for the css :(

Get your dogenano before its too late! 1 DOGE - 10 XDG AIRDROP such stonks

Found it useful? donate some dogenano, it might help alot xdg_3u9ir4p69183hkq8dc9myx669eh6n65kctybse7ih88pfj9wptdeq85whydx