Base120: easier-to-remember representation of integers using consonant-vowel syllables as digits. For example the number 182772876 (hex "ae4e48c") is represented as "wotipeja" in base120. Good properties: - easier to remember than decimal, hex and other representations - somewhat pronounceable - about as compact as the decimal representation Bad properties: - will occasionally generate words which mean something unfortunate Suggested use: - encoding of long version numbers - nicknaming of numeric identifiers and hashes Encoding rules: - each digit is made of two letters of the basic roman alphabet - the first character of a digit is one of the 20 consonants (excluding 'y') - the second character of a digit is one of the 6 vowels (including 'y') - the digits map to integers in the alphabetic order ("ba" is 0, "zy" is 119) - the representation is case-insensitive, e.g. "BA" is the same as "ba", "bA" or "Ba" Number of bits per character (for large integers): base 10: log 10. /. log 2. = 3.32 base 120: 0.5 *. log 120. /. log 2. = 3.45 base 16: log 16. /. log 2. = 4.00 base 32: log 32. /. log 2. = 5.00 base 64: log 64. /. log 2. = 6.00 Examples: Base120 Decimal Hexadecimal byri 680 2a8 bymu 658 292 bobo 363 16b bita 330 14a ru 82 52 biqy 317 13d cahy 755 2f3 bogy 389 185 biwi 344 158 cewo 945 3b1 nejibi 882962 d7912 mekope 797467 c2b1b naqahe 872671 d50df jabisa 518724 7ea44 cipote 123571 1e2b3 nyroza 945834 e6eaa dusyfo 241101 3adcd myhegu 853348 d0564 neluca 884646 d7fa6 japaqy 526397 8083d budijarija 854160036 32e972a4 bigydehuku 465023326 1bb7b15e behogijoby 264763085 fc7f6cd boxebuvibo 810501363 304f44f3 wotipeja 182772876 ae4e48c bodujytoha 650329590 26c33df6 ritufyna 139596420 8521284 bowinajiva 802660656 2fd7a130 qajumybe 124999081 77355a9 sesajyzi 148094636 8d3beac