__________________________ __ ____/__(_)_ /___ __ \____ __ _ / __ __ /_ __/_ /_/ /_ / / / / /_/ / _ / / /_ _ ____/_ /_/ / \____/ /_/ \__/ /_/ _\__, / /____/ GitPy - A Python3 tool for search and download a GitHub's repository directly in the terminal
About GitPy
GitPy is a program that can be use to search and download a repository on GitHub using the GitHub API REST. The program was written in Python3 and designed to be use on Arch and Debian based ditros. GitPy have a main console that can be used to search and download a repository. It could also be used in a CLI environment, inspired by the Metasploit network testing tool (not yet implemented).
- In development!
- Can only be run on a Linux machine
- Can only be run on a Arch and Debian based Linux distros
Credit & Copyrights
The GitPY is a product of PSociety™ by Thomas Pellissier (MyMeepSQL)
and Jonas Petitpierre (Bashy).
Copyright (C) 2021-2023 © PSociety™. All rights reserved.
This tool has been created and designed from scratch by Thomas Pellissier
and Jonas Petitpierre.
All new changes compared to GitPy can be found here.
GitPy is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 license. Refer to LICENSE for more informations.
Instructions to install GitPy... (Linux commands)
# Install git tool for clone this repositories with (if you didn’t have it):
sudo pacman -S git
# or (if you use Debian based distros):
# sudo apt install git
# Clone the repositorie with:
git clone https://github.com/MyMeepSQL/GitPy.git
# And go in its directory
cd GitPy
# To install GitPy on your system, run:
sudo python3 gitpy.py --install
# Once installed, you can run the 'gitpy' command anywhere in the terminal
# Run the main console of GitPy with:
gitpy --console
Options of GitPy
All avalable options for the GitPy command (the help message):
Main options:
Options Description
------- -----------
--console Start the main console of GitPy.
Installation options:
Options Description
------- -----------
--install [+] Install GitPy with all depencies on your system.
--uninstall [+] Uninstall GitPy from your system.
--skip-update Skip the system update phase during the installation of GitPy.
--offline Install GitPy with the local file already downloaded
(default: download new files from GitHub).
-iP [PATH], --install-path [PATH] Chose where GitPy will be install on the system
(default: /opt/gitpy/).
Output options:
Options Description
------- -----------
-q, --quiet Prevent header from displaying. Warning: bypass any "Are your sure?"
-v [LEVEL], --verbose [LEVEL] Verbosity level: 1-3 (default: 0 | const: 1).
Additional options:
Options Description
------- -----------
-y, --no-confirm Bypass any and all "Are you sure?" messages.
Informations options:
Options Description
------- -----------
--info Show more informations about GitPy and exit.
-h, --help [+] Show this help message and exit or show more help for a option.
-V, --version Show program's version and exit.
Miscellaneous options:
Options Description
------- -----------
-u, --update [+] Update the GitPy directly from GitHub.
-fu, --force-update Update GitPy even if the version on the machine is already the latest.
--show-config Prompt the content of the config file.
--show-env-var Prompt the value of the GITPY_INSTALL_PATH environment variable.
--remove-cache [+] Delete python cache from the GitPy directory.
Others avalable informations:
gitpy <OPTIONS>
Report all bugs to <thomas.pellissier.pro@proton.me> or open an issue at <https://github.com/MyMeepSQL/GitPy/issues>.
The options with the [+] mean that it may require additional option(s).
If you want more details about a command, run: gitpy --help <OPTION>
To download and update the current GitPy instance on your system, run:
sudo gitpy --update
Information about GitPy
If you want all informations about GitPy and authors' and with other informations, run:
gitpy --info