
Primary LanguageDockerfile


VM login information

VM username is sbos VM password is aabc


Docker commands

  • Ctrl + P + Q detaches from a container

  • docker build -t nginx srcs/requirements/nginx/ to build the nginx container

  • docker image ls to list the images

  • docker image prune to remove images with REPOSITORY and TAG <none>

  • docker image rm nginx to remove the image with REPOSITORY nginx

  • docker ps -a to list running containers

  • docker run -it --rm <image name> to create and run a new container from an image, where the terminal attaches its stdin and a TTY is allocated, and the container is automatically removed when it exits

  • docker start 7e restarts an existing container 7e

  • docker attach 7e attaches to a running container 7e

  • docker stop 7e to stop the container 7e

  • docker rm <CONTAINER ID> to remove the container 7e

  • (docker stop $(docker ps -qa); docker rm $(docker ps -qa); docker rmi -f $(docker images -qa); docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q); docker network rm $(docker network ls -q)) 2>/dev/null stop all containers, remove all containers, remove all images, remove all volumes, remove all networks

  • docker builder prune to clear the build cache

  • docker exec -it wordpress bash to run the command bash in the running container wordpress

  • docker logs <CONTAINER ID> to see why the container exited

  • docker inspect <CONTAINER ID to get detailed information about why Docker might have killed the process, like "OOMKilled": true" if you exceed the container memory limits and Docker kills your app


  • docker build -t nginx srcs/requirements/nginx/ to build the nginx container
  • docker run -it --rm nginx to run the nginx container


  • docker build -t mariadb srcs/requirements/mariadb/ to build the mariadb container

  • docker run -it --rm -e DB_USER="sbos" -e DB_PASSWORD="aabc" mariadb to run the mariadb container

  • mariadb -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS FOO;" creates a database FOO

  • mariadb --password=aabc; to log in as the root

  • /etc/init.d/mariadb start or mariadbd & to manually run mariadb in the background

  • show databases; to list all databases

  • use wordpress; tells MariaDB to use the wordpress database as the default (current) database for subsequent statements

  • show tables; lists the tables, sequences and views in the currently used database

  • show warnings; right after a command that printed 1 warning in order to view the warning

  • select * from wp_users; to show all rows of the table wp_users


  • docker build -t wordpress srcs/requirements/wordpress/ to build the wordpress container

  • docker run -it --rm wordpress to run the wordpress container

  • PAGER=cat /usr/local/bin/wp-cli.phar --allow-root to show wp-cli's help list

  • PAGER=cat /usr/local/bin/wp-cli.phar --allow-root --path="/var/www/wordpress" --dbhost="mariadb" --dbname=wordpress --dbuser="sbos" --dbpass="aabc" config create to generate wp-config.php

  • find -type s to list all sockets

docker compose

  • docker compose --project-directory srcs up --build -d --remove-orphans to start up the containers
  • docker compose --project-directory srcs down to shut down the containers

Things the inception tutorial didn't cover

If you do this project, make the docker-compose first; it is virtually impossible to get mariadb/nginx/wordpress working individually in my experience!

  1. Add sbos to the sudo group with usermod -a -G sudo sbos, and restart the VM for the change to take effect
  2. Install ssh and git with sudo apt install openssh-server git
  3. Set the git username and email with git config --global user.name "MyNameIsTrez" and git config --global user.email "welfje@gmail.com"
  4. Install Docker for Debian by copying these commands
  5. Allow the user sbos to run docker commands without sudo by running sudo groupadd docker if the docker group doesn't exist yet, and sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker to add sbos to the docker group. You need to restart the VM for groups to reflect the change, and for docker to work without sudo
  6. Need events and http directives in nginx.conf
  7. Need sudo apt install make