

Start the containers with


And every time you visit the website, you'll get a number that is incremented by 1 in postgres every time:

curl localhost:3000

You can use docker compose exec db bash to go into the database container, and psql --username=foo --dbname=bar to view the database, where you can use \d user to view the "user" table

Running locally

  1. Check if postgres is running with ps aux | grep postgres
  2. Start the postgres server with sudo systemctl start postgresql
  3. Connect to the postgres server with sudo -u postgres psql
  4. Stop the postgres server with sudo systemctl stop postgresql
  5. Connect to the container's postgres with psql -h localhost -U postgres
  6. Create user with curl localhost:3000/users -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"id":1,"firstName":"Foo","lastName":"Bar","isActive":true}'

psql commands

To view the user table's types, use \d user To view the contents of the table, use table public.user

Regenerating containers/nestjs

cd containers/nestjs npx @nestjs/cli new . npm install @nestjs/typeorm typeorm pg