
🔍 🔘 ⏯️ 🔁 - search for videos to play from youtube.com and other platforms...

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A POSIX script that helps you search videos platforms (YouTube , PeerTube , BitChute, LBRY and TED Talks) with command line easily.


  • fzf / dmenu / rofi - menu & input
  • jq - JSON parsing
  • awk - text processing
  • mpv - video player
  • youtube-dl


git clone https://github.com/MyOS-ArchLinux/vids
cd vids/
sudo install -m755 vids /usr/local/bin/vids


Usage:   vids [OPTIONS] query

  General Options:
    -h, --help                Print this help text and exit.
    -v, --version             Print program version and exit.

    -p, --platform            
        ytrending             Youtbe Trending
        youtube               Youtbe
        peertube              PeerTube
        bitchute              BitChute
        lbry                  LBRY
        tedtalk               TED Talks

    -ytr, --ytrending         An alias for -p ytrending
    -yt, --youtube            An alias for -p youtube
    -pt, --peertube           An alias for -p peertube
    -bc, --bitchute           An alias for -p bitchute
    -ted, --tedtalk           An alias for -p tedtalk
    -lb, --lbry, --odysee     An alias for -p lbry

    --piped                   Use Piped; a privacy-friendly YouTube frontend.
    --no-piped                Do not use Piped.

    --nsfw                    Include nsfw videos. (WIP)
    --no-nsfw                 Do not include nsfw videos. (WIP)

  Menu Options:
    -m, --menu MENU          
        fzf                  supports multi-select with tab/shift-tab.
        dmenu                doesn't supports multi-select.
        rofi                 supports multi-select with shift-enter.

    --fzf                    An alias for --menu fzf
    --dmenu                  An alias for --menu dmenu
    --rofi                   An alias for --menu rofi

  Player Options:
    -P, --player COMMAND     Player to feed urls to.
    -a, --player-args ARGS   Customize the arguments which are put together with the value of --player to create a command to execute.
    -e, --exit               don't prompt selector again after the player close

  Scripting Options:
    --print-json             print results json to stdout and exit.
    --print-link             print results links to stdout and exit.
    --print                  print results to stdout and exit.

  Environment variables:
    VIDS_DEFAULT_MENU        Default menu to use. (default: rofi -> dmenu -> fzf)
    VIDS_DEFAULT_PLATFORM    Default platform to use. (default: youtube)
    VIDS_DEFAULT_PLAYER      Default video player to use. (default: mpv)
    VIDS_DEFAULT_PLAYER_ARGS Default arguments which are passed to the player. (default: empty)
    VIDS_SHOW_NSFW           Always include NSFW videos (default: false)
    VIDS_YOUTUBE_PIPED       Use Piped; the privacy-friendly YouTube frontend. (default: false )
    VIDS_PIPEDAPI_URL        Piped Instance API URL. (default: https://pipedapi.kavin.rocks )
    VIDS_PEERTUBE_URL        PeerTube Instance URL. (default: https://sepiasearch.org )

  Improve me on GitHub:


  • Search Youtube With fzf menu

    vids --platform youtube --fzf Music

  • Search LBRY and print results to stdout

    vids --lbry --print Music

  • Get a list of trending videos on youtube but don't expose your ip to youtube. (Use Piped)

    vids --ytrending --piped

  • Scripting : Search PeerTube and extract titles

    vids --peertube --print-json music | awk '{if (NR!=1) {print}}' | jq -r ".[]|.title"


You may want to install mpv-youtube-quality to change video quality on the fly , and mpv_sponsorblock or mpv_sponsorblock_minimal to skip sponsored segments of YouTube videos automatically.