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Welcome to MyOctopus

#####Current Project Status #####Wiki
Issue Tracker

TO CONTRIBUTE: All contributions welcome, please join us in SLACK for discussions or questions. We are especially looking for input into the areas of mobile app dev, electronics, pcb boards, digital to analog conversion, and AI algorithms. Please fork.

If the hardware side of things is relevant to your interests, or you would like to contribute to hardware development please email joinus@myoctopus.io.

We are also on hackster - you can follow us and contribute here too.

Please visit us on myoctopus.io
Keep up to date with news on our BLOG
Follow on Twitter @MyOctopus_io

##The Smart Home that is actually Smart.

MyOctopus: less a smart home hub, more a smart home muti-tool limited only by the imagination of it's users.

MyOctopus is an open source smart home system running on open source hardware. It is not just a smart home hub, we are designing it to be a smart smart home system - it will learn from your daily patterns (using AI Algorithms), utilize parallel distributed computing, connecting MyOctopus devices together, and it will be both an app-hosting and a development platform.


####Initial Phase

In the initial phase, as we build MyOctopus, universal sensor boards and level shifter boards will be available, along with Intel Edison breakout board kits. Basically, the sensors and level shifters together are 'plug and play' in relation to the I2C BUS. These will be for sale on the website and through the usual channels (eBay,, Amazon etc.). They have the same small dimensions as similar sensor boards on the market and will have custom addressing for I2C and wire interrupt lines. Users of these sensors can purchase them from us preflashed with Yocta Linux, or they can work with the code here on github, or use them in any I2C BUS system.


MyOctopus will be the all-in one smart smart home solution; in each MyOctopus device will be using the above level shifters and sensors, and the same libraries and software, but these will be connected into the MyOctopus board inside the device (running MyOctopusLinux).


  • Each MyOctopus device in the system is a fully fledged Linux OS running on an Intel Edison platform.
  • Each device will become a node in the grid once it is configured into the system.
  • Nodes will organize themselves into a Distributed Hash Table, which will support a Key / Value data store, with an API modelled on Linda Tuple Space.
  • You can run the node software on any other hardware that is capable of such – and I’d guess anything with Python support will be able to run it.


######MyOctopus is completely open source, free to swim anywhere in the data ocean.
#####Please feel free to breed your own Octopii, or evolve MyOctopus into whatever creature you wish ######But, remember, MyOctopus is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-SA 4.0) and these terms.