
Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to run this project

  • Clone this repository:
$git clone https://github.com/MyPitit/M-S.git
  • Once you have cloned this repository, open the html file in Firefox browser.

!! Note: This project is not working on Google Chrome, because we are opening a html document directly from the browser. Google Chrome shows the following error into the console for security reasons:

helper.js:11 XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///Users/mypitit/Desktop/mns-web-engineering-code-test-master/data.json. Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource.

A way to fix this issue is running node for example. We need to serve the code from a web server and access it on localhost.

My Task


This test is designed for potential web engineers to demonstrate their frontend coding skills. It's intended to be done in 45-90 minutes, over a week or so.


The ZIP file you're given should contain:

  • This file (README.md), which is the instructions for the test itself
  • A data file (data.json), which contains some sample data you'll be using in the test


You'll receive this test as a ZIP file from whoever you contacted M&S via (either an M&S recruiter or an external). You should return a ZIP file containing your files (self-contained static files) to the same person when you're finished.


You should take about 45-90 minutes to complete a first pass at this work.


Your task is to create a data grid using no external JavaScript frameworks or libraries. The data for the grid is contained in the attached data.json file.

Please return, at a minimum, some HTML with inline CSS and JS. Feel free to structure your files however you like, but it'll need to run standalone from a file system with no web server or other supporting code.

We do not expect finished, polished code - if there's anything you leave out to hit the timing, please just make a note of this somewhere as a future improvement so we can see your thinking.

We're mainly interested in seeing how you approach this problem and how far you'll get - if we like your code there'll be another opportunity to extend it in an on-site pairing exercise.


The view should adapt to the range of sizes our designer has specified - large, medium, and narrow - and have UX considerations for each of those sizes. See below example of what it should look like.

Large screen

This is for screens greater than 768px.

| Title | Price | Stars |

Medium screen

This is for screens greater than 320px and equal to or smaller to 768px.

| Title | Price |
| Stars         |

Narrow screen

This is for screens 320px wide and smaller.

| Title |
| Price |
| Stars |


  • Sorting by title and price (ASC/DESC)
  • Filtering by title
  • The last sorted field should persist when page is refreshed
  • Highlight promoted items