
cassandra as a big map

Primary LanguageClojureApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status

Cassandra as a big nested map.


In your project.clj file, add to your dependencies:

[au.com.auspost/cassius "0.1.14"]

What's New


  • Added IStream protocol and stream-in


Cassius is a clojure wrapper around cassandra's thrift interface. It treats cassandra as a big mutable nested hashmap and provides the following abstractions:

  • cassandra data and schema can be represented as values and clojure maps.
  • keyspaces, column families, rows and columns can be abstracted as nested map layers
  • supercolumns are just one extra level of nesting

The library has been used for both mocking and for higher level abstractions on top of cassandra. An ORM has been built and used internally at MyPost to deal with legacy cassandra data.


A lot of ideas of cassius were gleaned from reading source code, mostly from casyn and clj-hector.

The library was motivated by an inability to reason about what changes the existing monolithic system was doing to the underlying database. In order to move away from the existing system into more agile architecture, the team had to be careful about reworking features without breaking functionality. The typical work of code migration would end up looking something like this:

  1. Get the current state of the DB
  2. Run some legacy code (java)
  3. See what has changed in the DB
  4. Rewrite that change in clojure

cassius was designed as a tool for developers to reason about and test changes to cassandra. It also has the following features:

  • Written in thrift in order to support supercolumns in the legacy system.
  • Abstracts the database in such a way that tests are easy to write and easy to read.
  • Uses of conditional restarts for more control of error states.
  • Option to use the component/Lifecycle framework. Mock DB is included for testing purposes.
  • Uses the Hashmap as a protocol, defined in cassius.protocols/IMap.
    • Methods: put-in, peek-in, keys-in, drop-in, set-in, select-in and mutate-in


Empty Your Database

This library can be a little bit overpowered if the developer is not careful. Make sure to backup important data when playing with around with the library:

(use 'cassius.core)

(def db (connect "localhost" 9160 {:value-type :utf-8})) ;; connects via the thrift interface
(drop-in db) ;; WARNING!!! clears the entire database 
(peek-in db) ;; => {}, brand new database

Adding and Retrieving Data

Once an empty database is established, we can put data into cassandra using put-in, as well as look at the state of cassandra using peek-in:

(put-in  db {"app" {"user" {"1" {"age"  "10"}}}})
(peek-in db ["app" "user"])
;; => {"1" {"age" "10"}}

(put-in  db {"app" {"user" {"1" {"name"  "Andy"}}}})
(peek-in db)
;; => {"app" {"user" {"1" {"age" "10" "name"  "Andy"}}}}

We can use a vector to set nested structures to place value at any depth:

(put-in db ["app" "user"]
         {"age"  "30" "name" "Chris"}})

(peek-in db)
;; => {"app" {"user" {"1" {"age" "10" "name" "Andy"}, 
                      "3" {"age" "30" "name" "Chris"}}}}

(put-in  db ["app" "user" "2"] {"age"  "20" "name" "Bob"})
(peek-in db ["app" "user"])
;; => {"app" {"user" {"1" {"age" "10" "name" "Andy"}, 
;;                    "2" {"age" "20" "name" "Bob"}, 
;;                    "3" {"age" "30" "name" "Chris"}}}}

keys-in will list the keys at that nesting level

(keys-in db ["app" "user"])
;; => ["1" "2" "3"]

(keys-in db ["app" "user" "1"])
;; => ["age" "name"]


drop-in is used to delete data:

(drop-in db ["app" "user" "3" "age"])
(peek-in db ["app" "user" "3"])
;; => {"name" "Chris"}}}

(drop-in db ["app" "user" "2"])
(peek-in db ["app" "user"])
;; =>  {"1" {"age" "10" "name" "Andy"}, 
;;      "3" {"name" "Chris"}}


Two functions - put-in and set-in - allow manipulation of cassandra state. The use of put-in can be seen earlier while set-in actually sets the value of the data at that level of nesting. set-in will drop any data within that level of nesting

(set-in db ["app" "user"]
         {"4" {"name" "Dave" "age"  "40"}})

(peek-in db)
=> {"app" {"user" {"4" {"name" "Dave" "age" "40"}}}}


For batch mutations on a single keyspace, mutate-in can be used. The data can be both normal and super columns:

(-> db
    (mutate-in "crystals"
               {"species" {"citrine" {"DATA-1" {"price" "$400" "value" "2"}}}}
    (mutate-in "crystals"
               {"species" {"citrine" {"DATA-2" {"price" "$500" "value" "2"}}}}
               [["species" "citrine" "DATA-1" "price"]])
;;  => {"crystals" {"species" {"citrine" {"DATA-1" {"value" "2"}
;;                                        "DATA-2" {"price" "$400" "value" "2"}}}}}

IMap Protocol

cassius was constructed from the bottom up using the cassius.protocols/IMap protocol There are four different types defined within cassius that extend cassius.protocols/IMap:

A Raw Connection

(connect "localhost" 9160 {:type :connection}) 

A Connection Pool

(connect "localhost" 9160 {:type :pool}) ;; default

A Cassandra Database Component

(database {:host "localhost" :port 9160})

A Mock Database Component

(database {:type :mock})

Again, IMap methods: put-in, peek-in, keys-in, drop-in, set-in, select-in and mutate-in work on any of the four types. The difference between a raw connection and a connection pool is that the pool can be accessed with multiple threads whilst the raw connection cannot. See our tests to see the expected behaviour.

IStream Protocol

Since version 0.1.14, a new protocol IStream was exposed and the function stream-in returns a lazy sequence of maps for entire column-families and rows. The usage looks like all the IMap protocols:

(stream-in db ["crystals" "species"] {:start "agate" :end "citrine" :batch 20})
;; =>  [["agate" {:price 300.00}]
;;      ["onyx"  {:price 100.00}]]

Because the stream is lazy, clojure's sequence methods work as usual:

(->> (stream-in db ["crystals" "species"])
    (map (fn [[k v]]
           (:price v)))
    (filter #(> % 300))
    (take 10))

Patching and Rollback

Because of the simplicity with which cassandra data is represented, it is easy to manipulate data based upon patching and rolling back db changes:

Initialize database and set up instance i0:

(def i0
  (-> db

put-in some data and and set up instance i1:

(def i1
  (-> db
      (put-in ["zoo" "kee"]
              {"A" {"stage" "1"}
               "B" {"stage" "1"}}))

set-in some data and and set up instance i2:

(def i2
  (-> db
      (set-in ["zoo" "kee"]
              {"C" {"stage" "2"}
               "D" {"stage" "2"}})

put-in some more data and and set up instance i3:

(def i3
  (-> db
      (put-in ["zoo" "kee"]
              {"A" {"stage" "3"}
               "B" {"stage" "3"}})


We can use the diff function to compute differences between instances. d01, d12 and d23 are defined in this way:

(def d01 (diff i0 i1))

;; => {:+ {["zoo"] {"kee" {"A" {"stage" "1"}, "B" {"stage" "1"}}}}}

We do the same for d12 and d13

(def d12 (diff i1 i2))
;; => {:- {["zoo" "kee" "B"] {"stage" "1"},
;;         ["zoo" "kee" "A"] {"stage" "1"}},
;;     :+ {["zoo" "kee" "D"] {"stage" "2"},
;;         ["zoo" "kee" "C"] {"stage" "2"}}}

(def d23 (diff i2 i3))
;; => {:+ {["zoo" "kee" "B"] {"stage" "3"},
aa         ["zoo" "kee" "A"] {"stage" "3"}}}


Starting with an empty database, we can now reconstruct each instance in time by applying patches:

(-> db
;; => {}

Applying the patch d01 will transition cassandra from i0 to i1:

(-> db
    (patch d01)
;; => {"zoo" {"kee" {"A" {"stage" "1"},
;;                   "B" {"stage" "1"}}}}

Applying the rollback d01 will transition cassandra from i1 to i0:

(-> conn
    (rollback d01)
;; => {}

Chaining patches d01, d12 and d23 in order will restore cassandra to i3:

(-> conn
    (patch d01)
    (patch d12)
;; => {"zoo" {"kee" {"C" {"stage" "2"}
;;                   "D" {"stage" "2"}}}}

(-> conn
    (patch d23)
;; => {"zoo" {"kee" {"A" {"stage" "3"},
;;                   "B" {"stage" "3"},
;;                   "C" {"stage" "2"},
;;                   "D" {"stage" "2"}}}}

We can confirm that there is no difference between i3 and the current state of cassandra.

(diff i3 (peek-in conn))
;;=> nil

Lifecycle Protocol and Mocks

Most of MyPost's newly written services have been using Stuart Sierra's component framework. The framework takes care of dependency injection and there are two types of components that can be constructed:

Here is an example of using the Cassandra Database Component

(require '[com.stuartsierra.component :as component])
(def db (-> (database {:host "localhost" :port 9160 :value-type :utf-8})

(drop-in db)
(put-in db {"crystals" {"species" {"citrine" {"price" "400"}}}})
(peek-in db) ;; => {"crystals" {"species" {"citrine" {"price" "400"}}}}
(keys-in db) ;; => ["crystals"] 

Here is an example of using the Mock Database Component:

(def mock-db (-> (database {:type :mock})

(drop-in db)
(put-in db {"crystals" {"species" {"citrine" {"price" "400"}}}})
(peek-in db) ;; => {"crystals" {"species" {"citrine" {"price" "400"}}}}
(keys-in db) ;; => ["crystals"] 

The mock database is a very simple in memory store (backed by an atom). Because the governing design of cassius was to be able to treat the cassandra datastore as a single mutable hashmap, it was very easy to implement the mock and to be able to swap between a real datastore and a mock at any time.

Both real and mock database components work with all IMap methods - put-in, peek-in, keys-in, drop-in, set-in, select-in and mutate-in.

Notice that there is no difference in how the two systems are behaving. The great thing about this design is that the only thing that needs to change in order to convert a real database into a mock database and vice-versa can be declared via the initialisation map, which usually gets passed in via the configuration file. In this way, our mocking and production systems can be swapped in and out as needed.

Settings Schema

For greater control of the data, a schema can be attached to the connection such that data will be converted back into the right format. Type conversion it works for both normal columns and supercolumns.

The type conversion will only work for reading data from cassandra. So for instance, if the long value 400 is put into cassandra and the schema expects the the format is a double, the output will not be 400.00 but a seemingly random double (ie. 1.976E-321)

(def db (-> (database {:host "localhost" 
                       :port 9160
                       :schema {"crystals" {"species" {"price" [:double]
                                                       "sold"  [:date]}}}
                       :key-type   :utf-8    ;; default is :utf-8 
                       :value-type :utf-8    ;; default is :default returns (raw bytes)


(-> db
    (put-in {"crystals" {"species" {"citrine" {"price" 400.00 "sold" #inst "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00"}}}})
;; => {"crystals" {"species" {"citrine" {"sold" #inst "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00", "price" 400.0}}}}
(-> db
    (mutate-in "crystals"
               {"species" {"citrine" {"DATA" {"price" 400.00 "value" "2"}}}}
;; => {"crystals" {"species" {"citrine" {"DATA" {"value" "2", "price" 400.0}}}}}

The following types are supported through keyword labels. Most of the labels correspond to the types in org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.* package. There are three exceptions:

  • :default returns the actual bytes that are stored in the database,
  • :raw returns a hexified view of the bytes
  • :object using nippy to coerce between bytes and the java object.

Existing marshalled types are:

  • :utf-8 UTF8Type
  • :ascii AsciiType
  • :long LongType
  • :float FloatType
  • :double DoubleType
  • :int Int32Type
  • :bigint IntegerType
  • :bigdec DecimalType
  • :boolean BooleanType
  • :date DateType
  • :uuid UUIDType
  • :lexical-uuid UUIDType
  • :keyword UTF8Type
  • :time-uuid UUIDType


  • Chris Zheng (Australia Post)
  • Sergey Marakhov (Australia Post)
  • Tushar Pokle (Australia Post)


Copyright © 2014 Australia Postal Corporation

Distributed under the Apache License v2.0