
This is an alternate deployment system for those wanting to deploy helm using gunicorn instead of the developmental WSGI server.


  • Automatic creation of initial SuperUser
  • Secure setup with no root in any container and read-only root filesystem
  • Seperated static file serving using NGINX

Adding the repo

The helm repo can be added by running

helm repo add iloveyatoo https://helm.catsdo.delivery/


Value Description Defaults
imagePullSecrets Name of the Kubernetes Secret containing Docker Pull Secrets []
podAnnotations Additional annotations to be added to the pod []
nodeSelector Sets the NodeSelector to constrain the pod to certain nodes {}
tolerations Schedule pods on nodes with matching taints []
affinity Constrain Pods against labels on other Pods {}
podSecurityContext Permissions for volumes mounted in the pod {fsGroup: 1000}
archivebox.superUser.userName Sets the username for the superuser of archivebox myuser
archivebox.superUser.userEmail Sets the user email for the superuser of archivebox myuser@test.com
archivebox.superUser.userPassword Sets the user password for the superuser of archivebox mypass
archivebox.storage.archive.storageClassName Sets the storageClass for archivebox storage default
archivebox.storage.archive.size Sets the storage size for archivebox storage 20G
archivebox.storage.temp.storageClassName Sets the storageClass for temporary storage for archivebox default
archivebox.storage.temp.size Sets the storage size for temporary storage for archivebox 5G
archivebox.resources.limits.cpu Sets the CPU limits for archivebox 200m
archivebox.resources.limits.memory Sets the Memory limits for archivebox 512Mi
archivebox.resources.requests.cpu Sets the CPU requests for archivebox 100m
archivebox.resources.requests.memory Sets the Memory requests for archivebox 512Mi
archivebox.image.repository Sets the image repository for the archivebox docker image ghcr.io/iloveyatoo/archivebox
archivebox.image.pullPolicy Sets the pullPolicy for the archivebox docker image Always
archivebox.image.tag Overrides the docker tag for archivebox ""
archivebox.securityContext Sets the securityContext for the container {capabilities: {drop: [ALL]}, readOnlyRootFilesystem: true, runAsGroup: 1000, runAsUser: 1000}
nginx.storage.nginx.storageClassName Sets the storage class for nginx static file storage default
nginx.storage.nginx.size Sets the storage size for nginx static file storage 1G
nginx.storage.nginx.resources.limits.cpu Sets the CPU limits for nginx 100m
nginx.storage.nginx.resources.limits.memory Sets the Memory limits for nginx 128Mi
nginx.resources.requests.cpu Sets the CPU requests for nginx 100m
nginx.resources.requests.memory Sets the Memory requests for nginx 128Mi
nginx.image.repository Sets the image repository for the nginx docker image nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged
nginx.image.pullPolicy Sets the pullPolicy for the nginx docker image Always
nginx.image.tag Overrides the docker tag for nginx ""
nginx.securityContext Sets the securityContext for the container {capabilities: {drop: [ALL]}, runAsUser: 101, runAsGroup: 101, readOnlyRootFilesystem: true}