A curated list of awesome Decred projects, resources, and more. Decred is a secure and adaptable digital currency for the future.
- Decrediton - The official Graphical UI wallet with all Decred features.
- Cryptopower - Multi-coin light GUI wallet for DCR, BTC and LTC.
- Politeia - Decred's proposal system for community-driven governance.
- dcrdex - A decentralized exchange built on the Decred network.
- Timestamply - A tool for timestamping files using the Decred blockchain, ensuring data integrity and proof of existence.
- Decred Documentation - Official Decred documentation covering various topics.
- Decred Journal - Monthly newsletter about Decred's progress and developments.
- Decred Matrix Chat - Join the Decred community on Matrix for real-time discussions.
- Decred Reddit - Decred subreddit for discussions and updates.
- Decred Twitter - Official Decred Twitter account for news and announcements.
Your contributions are always welcome!
If you'd like to add a new project or resource to the list, please submit a pull request or open an issue with your suggestion. Requirements:
- A project logo (public/images/project-icon.png)
- A resource.json valid item
- A readme item
This Awesome Decred list is maintained by the community. If you find any broken links or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.