
Polling Station Endpoint for Myanmar Election

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

PHP Endpoint Bootstrap


This repo is intend to use as boilerplate for various endpoints developed in PHP.


  • Clone this repo
  • Change your own remote
  • Run composer install
  • Place your codes
Application Environment

Create a file with name '.env' in your project root directory. And past the following code in it.




Running the following command will set X-API-KEY and X-API-SECRET for api request headers.

php artisan api:key

Should change value of APP_ENV to production and APP_DEBUG to false for production

The value for APP_KEY should have 32 words which is combined with character and numeric.


You can set key value pair for your application config in config/app.php.

For Using Api Support

Api Support documentation

Importing data

To import data from csv to database, csv files need to be under storage/data directory. The directory should look like the following.

To import data, models need to be created first.

|- Storage
    |- data
        |- 150709   * 9 July, 2015 *
            |- file1.csv
            |- file2.csv

And run artisan command

// Usage
php artisan iora:import [model] <--path="path/to/dir">

// Example
php artisan iora:import candidate --path="20150701"

csv filename needs to be the same with model name. When the above command is run, app will find modelname.csv in the given directory. The above command will import data to Candidate model from candidate.csv



Model files should be in app/Model directory. For more query function see mongo lite documentation

	<?php namespace App\Model;
	use App\Model\AbstractModel;
	class User extends AbstractModel
		public function getCollectionName()
			return 'users';
		public function create(array $data)
			// do your stuff here
	// app/http/routes.php
	$app->get('/get-users', function ()
		dump((new \App\Model\User())->all());

All endpoints will be called from elecapi api router only. So your route should not be public. The follwoing example will be the right way.

	// app/http/route.php
	$app->group(['middleware' => 'auth'], function () use ($app)
    	$app->get('/get-users', function ()
    		dump((new \App\Model\User())->all());
        // all the rest of your route should be in this scope.


Further Documentation

See lumen documenation for further more documentation



Must follow psr standard to develop endpoints. Must follow lumen coding standard
