

  • Python 3.11 or higher
  • poetry

Installing dependencies

You can install the dependencies by running the following command:

  poetry install

Running the server

You can start the server by running the following command:

  poetry run hypercorn start:app --reload


The postman collection used to test the API is available here

To facilitate testing, there is a toy database included in the test folder. To use it, add the following environment variable:

  export TEST=1

It comes with:

  • A user:
  "name": "test",
  "password": "$2b$12$iFMxI.xziyqiG7lS8jBnB.NLhU7aNTwlizXR8KrRil.zVrMncrwpi",
  "cmd_token": null,
  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiI5MTBkYzBjMC1jMGNhLTQ5NjctODkzMS05MmVkNmM5OGE0OGUiLCJleHAiOjE3MTI3OTQ1Njh9.B1edr-57h9LbID6BZvL5gCpM8GrANQRU1jT6K0CVZ2M",
  "id": "910dc0c0c0ca4967893192ed6c98a48e",
  "email": "",
  "nic": "237583734",
  "role": "USER"
  • A simple collection:
  "name": "",
  "share_state": "private",
  "access_from_date": null,
  "id": "69c7cd429a94437bb222be8df0d1d112",
  "owner_id": "910dc0c0c0ca4967893192ed6c98a48e"
  • A complex collection:
  "name": "c2023-adv-06.tar.gz",
  "share_state": "private",
  "access_from_date": null,
  "id": "9872c9b88f5f4eb99290613fafc948f9",
  "owner_id": "910dc0c0c0ca4967893192ed6c98a48e"



To create a migration, run the following command:

  poetry run alembic revision --autogenerate -m "migration message"

To apply the migration, run the following command:

  poetry run alembic upgrade head

To downgrade the migration, run the following command:

  poetry run alembic downgrade -1

Need help?

@mycsina on most platforms online