
This boilerplate gives you a great starting point to develop a react app with webpack 4. It supports Hot Module Replacement (HRM), css extraction/includes, autoprefixer and optionally a static site generator.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Webpack 4 React Boilerplate


This boilerplate gives you a great starting point to develop your own react app. It is using Webpack 4 with the entire build process already set up. The following features are included:


Babel Proposals

This boilerplate has three proposals installed and enabled. These are:

CSS Extraction

In production, the css will be extracted and put into its own file called main.contenthash.css. To avoid browser caching, contenthash will be replaced by the actual hash of the file. The css file will be automatically inserted into the html file.

In development, the css will be loaded by the style loader and added as style tags into the document body. This is done to support hot module replacement for css.

CSS Includes

You can include scss files in src/scss from the components scss, to get access to variables. See src/js/components/Button/Button.scss for an example. Please make sure to also write the .scss extensions when including, otherwise webpack may try to include paths from node_modules.

CSS Autoprefixer

The resulting css file will automatically be prefixed according to the rules specified inside the package.json (key: browserslist). Prefixing is done in production as well as in development.

Hot Module Replacement (HRM)

All css changes will be displayed without reloading the page.

As for javascript changes, this boilerplate uses gaearon/react-hot-loader. Please keep the following in mind:

There is no way to hot-update constructor code, as result even new components will be born as the first ones, and then grow into the last ones. As of today, this issue cannot be solved. (source/gaearon/react-hot-loader)

Static Site Generator

You can output a static site by setting ENABLE_STATIC_SITE_GENERATOR to true inside the webpack.config.js. This is useful for SEO and similiar purposes. Defaults to false


  • Extend boilerplate to support multiple languages
  • Extend boilerplate to include reflux