
Welcome! This repo is for prospective contributors of HTML interactive, the (hopefully successfull) chatGPT action. We are excited that you may be considering contributing. This read me serves as a guide for how to do so.

Layout of our repo:

|– Base:
|---- Styles:
|-------- Base.css 
|-------- Condensed.css 
|-------- Themes.css 
|---- templates:
|-------- layoutName.html 

Base: contains the existing templates for html interactive, they can be used as an example for contributors looking to start with some code. Specifically, the styles directory may be useful to some developers looking to start with some colors or fonts (copy it into your own pr). Templates contains all relevant html.

|- Contributions
|--– ExampleUser:
|------ Styles:
|---------- Base.css 
|---------- Condensed.css 
|---------- Themes.css 
|------ templates:
|---------- layoutName.html 

Also provided in this repo is a directory for Contributions. To contribute to the project, create a subfolder named after with the following convention inside of Contributions/.


|- kylearbide-0001
|--- Styles
|----- ..
|--- Templates
|----- ..

The folder should contain styles and templates sub directories. Following the format laid out above and found in our base directory, you can create a pull request for each contribution you wish to make.

Feel free to use this repo as a place to comment on your issues using HTML Interactive, we will be try to be as responsive and helpful as possible!