
Let's write an x86 hypervisor in Rust from scratch!

Primary LanguageRust


Let's write an x86 hypervisor in Rust from scratch!


  • Lightweight enough, only 3K+ LoC
  • Supported guest OS: NimbOS
  • Guest/host memory isolation with nested paging
  • Device emulation:
    • serial port I/O
    • APIC timer
  • Currently, only supports single core single vCPU and single guest

Install Build Dependencies

Install cargo-binutils to use rust-objcopy and rust-objdump tools:

$ cargo install cargo-binutils

Your also need to install musl-gcc to build guest user applications.

Build Guest OS

$ git submodule init && git submodule update
$ cd guest/nimbos/kernel
$ make user
$ make GUEST=on

Build Guest BIOS

$ cd guest/bios
$ make

Build & Run Hypervisor

$ cd hypervisor
$ make run [LOG=warn|info|debug|trace]
Booting from ROM..

    RRRRRR  VV     VV MM    MM
    RR   RR VV     VV MMM  MMM
    RR  RR    VV VV   MM    MM
    RR   RR    VVV    MM    MM
     ___    ____    ___    ___
    |__ \  / __ \  |__ \  |__ \
    __/ / / / / /  __/ /  __/ /
   / __/ / /_/ /  / __/  / __/
  /____/ \____/  /____/ /____/

arch = x86_64
build_mode = release
log_level = info
Running guest...

NN   NN  iii               bb        OOOOO    SSSSS
NNN  NN       mm mm mmmm   bb       OO   OO  SS
NN N NN  iii  mmm  mm  mm  bbbbbb   OO   OO   SSSSS
NN  NNN  iii  mmm  mm  mm  bb   bb  OO   OO       SS
NN   NN  iii  mmm  mm  mm  bbbbbb    OOOO0    SSSSS
              ___    ____    ___    ___
             |__ \  / __ \  |__ \  |__ \
             __/ / / / / /  __/ /  __/ /
            / __/ / /_/ /  / __/  / __/
           /____/ \____/  /____/ /____/

arch = x86_64
platform = rvm-guest-x86_64
build_mode = release
log_level = warn
