The source code of our ICPR 2016 paper <Contextual Similarity Regularized Metric Learning for Person Re-identification>.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

This is the source code of our ICPR2016 paper <Contextual Similarity Regularized Metric Learning for Person Re-identification>.
We provide a demo on the VIPeR dataset.

How to Run:

1) Download the feature file from http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jIdfvNo, then put it into the directory of ./CSRML_v1.0/demo_viper/.

2) Run ./CSRML_v1.0/demo_viper/CSRML_v6.m to conduct 10 trials on VIPeR dataset.

3) Run ./CSRML_v1.0/demo_viper/finalCMC.m to calculate the average CMC curve.

If you have any problem, please contact me: jinw@hust.edu.cn