
Downloads forsen's Minecraft VODs and analyzes them to get statistics. Written in C++ using the OpenCV library.

Primary LanguageC++

Forsen speedrun analysis

Downloads forsen's Minecraft VODs and analyzes them to get statistics. Written in C++ using the OpenCV library.

How to use

Before: make sure you have cmake and OpenCV installed (you may need to add OpenCV's lib and bin folders to path.

Compiling: create a build folder, cd into it. Run cmake .. to generate build files, and cmake --build . to build the project.

Executing: Run forsen.exe --id STREAM_ID --date YYYY-MM-DD --times HH:MM:SS HH:MM:SS. You need to specify at least two times (beginning and end), but you can specify more to split the VOD into multiple parts (saves some time if the download fails). NOTE: as of 2023-05-14 the intermediate times need to be between runs (i.e. when a seed if being loaded) otherwise the last run is reset when the video ends.

  • Important: in the folder containing the executable, you need to have the "TwitchDownloaderCLI.exe" executable (to download the vods), as well as the "forsen_720" folder containing the templates (available in the releases).

How to contribute

SUMMARY: fork the repository and create commits on your fork (include any issue reference in your commit messages). Create a pull request when you're ready.

  • Fork the repository and clone it on your computer.
  • OPTIONAL: keep your fork up to date with this repo
    • Make sure your fork is the origin remote (git remote -v, if there's no "origin" then do git remote add origin URL_OF_FORK.
    • Add this repo as the upstream remote: git remote add upstream https://github.com/Mynnhos/forsen.git.
    • You can now pull the latest changes from this repository using git pull upstream main
  • Create a new branch using git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME (or do everything in main).
  • Do whatever changes you want
  • Push your changes to your fork: git add -all, git commit -m "brief description" and git push origin BRANCH_NAME
    • When related to an issue please include the issue reference in the commit message (e.g. #9999)
    • Keep your commits small. Create a commit for each issue/feature/idea.
  • Create a pull request: on your fork page on GitHub click on "Compare and pull request" describing what you changed. I'll review it as soon as possible.