Home Assistant web services running on CloudFlare workers
IP Based GEO lookup
placeholder | required | description |
schema |
True | Use http or https |
key |
False | Return a single key from the regular JSON response as text. |
curl -sSL https://services.home-assistant.io/whoami/v1
"ip": "",
"city": "Gotham",
"continent": "Earth",
"country": "XX",
"currency": "XXX",
"latitude": "12.34567",
"longitude": "12.34567",
"postal_code": "12345",
"region_code": "00",
"region": "Gotham",
"timezone": "Earth/Gotham",
"iso_time": "2021-05-12T11:29:15.752Z",
"timestamp": 1620818956
curl -sSL https://services.home-assistant.io/whoami/v1/ip
Signup service for the Home Assistant newsletter
POST URL: https://services.home-assistant.io/newsletter/signup
This endpoint takes a form and the form needs to contain a email
field with the email address that are signing up.