Deployed URL: (hosted on AWS EC2 instance)
You can create your own account or use the one below to get loaded data
- Username : Yonatan
- Password : Yonatan
The project is built using:
- React (antd)
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Typescript
- Prisma ORM
- PostgeSql
You can find the API documentaion here:
- Here is the sample web screenshot for the app: Video demo
- Here is the mobile responsive look
- I used react-query with react context API for state management.
If you clone and run the project locally:
- Update the DATABASE_URL's value inside .env.sample file.
- Run database migration using the command
npx prisma migrate dev --schema=./src/prisma/schema.prisma
- Generate types for prisma and reload IDE
npx prisma generate --schema=./src/prisma/schema.prisma
- Seed the data inside the excel file to database with the command
npx prisma db seed
. Make sure you have ts-node globally installed.