
Statistical performance calculation for osu!

Primary LanguagePython


Statistical performance calculation for osu!

More details on how this actually works are contained in pp!.pdf.

Getting started

Requires a relevant data dump folder to be present in the working directory, with files in the SQLite database format. The date, type, and game mode of this dump are set in comparison_graph.py by data_dump_date, data_dump_type, and game_mode respectively.

Comparison graph

A comparison graph can be generated by running comparison_graph.py, and is written to the file comparison_graph.gt. This is a weighted oriented graph with edges representing pairwise comparisons between (beatmap_id, enabled_mods) tuples, and their weights representing a relative imbalance of difficulty.

Map difficulty

The difficulty.py module contains functions for calculating a difficulty value for each (beatmap_id, enabled_mods) tuple, using the graph stored in comparison_graph.gt.