This repository contains sources and model for pointpillars inference using TensorRT. The model is created with OpenPCDet and modified with onnx_graphsurgeon.
Overall inference has four phases:
- Convert points cloud into 4-channle voxels
- Extend 4-channel voxels to 10-channel voxel features
- Run TensorRT engine to get 3D-detection raw data
- Parse bounding box, class type and direction
The demo use the velodyne data from KITTI Dataset. The onnx file can be converted from pre-trained model with given script under "./tool".
To build the pointpillars inference, TensorRT with PillarScatter layer and CUDA are needed. PillarScatter layer plugin is already implemented as a plugin for TRT in the demo.
- Nvidia Jetson Xavier/Orin + Jetpack 5.0
- CUDA 11.4 + cuDNN 8.3.2 + TensorRT 8.4.0
$ sudo apt-get install git-lfs
$ git lfs install
$ git clone && cd CUDA-PointPillars
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. && make -j$(nproc)
$ ./demo
Set Jetson to power mode with "sudo nvpmodel -m 0 && sudo jetson_clocks"
| Function(unit:ms) | Xavier | Orin |
| ----------------- | ------ | ------ |
| GenerateVoxels | 0.29 | 0.14 |
| GenerateFeatures | 0.31 | 0.15 |
| Inference | 20.21 | 9.12 |
| Postprocessing | 3.38 | 1.77 |
| Overall | 24.19 | 11.18 |
3D detection performance of moderate difficulty on the val set of KITTI dataset.
| | Car@R11 | Pedestrian@R11 | Cyclist@R11 |
| ----------------- | --------| -------------- | ------------ |
| CUDA-PointPillars | 77.02 | 51.65 | 62.24 |
| OpenPCDet | 77.28 | 52.29 | 62.68 |
- GenerateVoxels has random output since GPU processes all points simultaneously while points selection for a voxel is random.
- The demo will cache the onnx file to improve performance. If a new onnx will be used, please remove the cache file in "./model".
- MAX_VOXELS in params.h is used to allocate cache during inference. Decrease the value to save memory.