Quiz App written in Flutter

Packages we are using:

Our quiz app contains a total of three-screen, the welcome screen where a user submits their question set of choice as well as the amount of questions they want to take followed by the the main screen called the questions screen. Each question has various multiple-choice options which, once clicked will turn green if correct and red if wrong. The correctness can be checked by using the Floating Action Button (FAB). The Scorescreen at the end will tell you if you passed or not.

Guidelines and Questions used:

  • Richtlinie Leistungsabzeichen Gold (Revision: 08.03.2021): link
  • Übungsfragen Leistungsabzeichen Gold (Revision: 29.05.2018): link

This is a complete functional quiz app that works on both Android and iOS devices. For state management, we use the getX package.

Quiz App Final UI

App UI