
Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

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Spectroscopy Analysis

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Usage
  3. License
  4. Other Projects
  5. Contact

About The Project


In astronomical image processing, spectroscopy is used to compute physical conditions of celestial bodies by separating their emitted light into wavelengths. Spectroscopy requires an additional optical instrument called a spectrograph, as all light passes through the telescope at the same point, the spectrograph separates all of the wavelengths before hitting the detector.

The spectrograph disperses all the light elements, two elements are: A glass prism refracts and separates the wavelengths at different angles, though the dispersion is unreliable as blue wavelengths disperse three times as much as the red wavelengths thus has a non-linear refraction angle. Diffraction grating is carefully shaping and spacing grooves into glass/ metal that diffract the light into different wavelengths, this is linear to the diffraction angle and the wavelength.

There are 4 types of spectrographs: The objective prism sits in front of the telescope so the refractive index of glass separates all the light into wavelengths as they exit the prism, this is mostly used as its used to survey stars faster. The grating-prism (grism) sits behind the telescope lense and refracts the light into wavelengths, this operation is cheaper as it operates 'diffraction grating'. The slit is place in front of the telescope and isolates the celestial body, thus narrows the light emitted for a prism/ grism to operate, the last is fiber-fed that allows the light to travel through optical glass fibers to the prism/grism separate from the telescope.

Built With

Python, matplotlib, numpy

Other Infomation

LaTeX Report: https://github.com/Mysftz/spectroscopy-analysis-report
Python Files: https://github.com/Mysftz/spectroscopy-analysis

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This report was submitted for the degree of a Bachelors of Science in Astronomy, Space Science and Astrophysics at the University of Kent in March 2020.

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Distributed under the CC-BY-SA-4.0: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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