
Scratch Auth integration for Express. Just plug and play, minimal setup required

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Scratch Auth integration for Express

  • Plug and play, minimal setup required
  • Easy to use


npm install sa-express


const express = require('express');
const scratchauth = require('sa-express');

const app = express();

const needsAuth = scratchauth(app, {
  secret: 'SuperSecret1234',
  appName: 'My Cool Express App',
  succeeded(req, res) {
  failed(req, res) {


Name Description Default
secret Secret that cookie-session will use. It should be stored securely in an environment variable. No default; this option is required
appName Name for Scratch Auth to use on the login page. ''
loginRoute Route for redirecting the user to Scratch Auth. '/auth/login'
verifyRoute Route for verifying Scratch Auth's repsonse. '/auth/verify'
logoutRoute Route for logging the user out. '/auth/logout'
logoutRedirect Route to redirect to after logging out. '/'
domain The domain of your app. This is only needed if your app unexpectedly redirects to localhost instead of your app's domain. It should not include http[s]:// or a trailing slash. ''
succeeded Called when the user has been logged in successfully. (req, res) => res.redirect('/')
failed Called when auth has failed. (req, res) => res.send('Auth failed')
cookie More options here. By default lasts 7 days with sameSite: lax.

Using Auth/Protected Routes

Calling scratchauth returns a middleware for protected routes. It will redirect the user if they are not logged in. By default, the redirect route is whatever you passed for loginRoute.

app.get('/dashboard', needsAuth(), (req, res) => {
  res.send(`Welcome to your dashboard, ${res.locals.username}!`);

You can manually implement protected routes by using res.locals.loggedIn:

app.get('/dashboard', (req, res) => {
  if (res.locals.loggedIn) {
    res.send(`Welcome to your dashboard, ${res.locals.username}!`);
  } else {

In fact, needsAuth uses res.locals.loggedIn under the hood, so both of the methods are equivalent.

Demo Application

A demo can be found in demo/.