Cellular Life Automata in colour with Nuke for M5stickC - create life , it asks to be fed. http://community.m5stack.com/topic/1313/little-bits-cellular-automata-in-colour-for-m5stick-c http://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life A little rewrite of the Cellular Automata demo supplied with the MstickC display library in colour with an optional 'nuke' from the m5 button , and a battery and temp monitor on the side button . As the battery falls below 3.8v it will ask to be fed -- i.e plugged into USB I do like the way it erodes the background as life spreads. I will be adding more as the pocket lava lamp concept is rather fun :). I shall mindmap the functions and see how the IMU could play out in this , plus maybe an IR trigger that could interact with other sticks like a furby would. http://lazyslug.no-ip.biz/lifeview/ <-- this inspires me Enjoy :)
Cellular Life Automata in colour with Nuke for M5stickC - create life , it asks to be fed.