
Code for the paper "Improving Robustness of Machine Translation with Synthetic Noise"

Primary LanguagePython


Code for the NAACL 2019 paper "Improving Robustness of Machine Translation with Synthetic Noise"


pytorch (tested on version 0.3.0.post4)

Steps for preparing EP and MTNT data used in our experiments:

  1. Fetch the data
mkdir data
mkdir work_dir
cd data/
wget http://www.statmt.org/europarl/v7/fr-en.tgz
wget http://www.statmt.org/wmt15/dev-v2.tgz
wget http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~pmichel1/hosting/MTNT.1.0.tar.gz

The training data consists of fr-en parallel data from europarl. The noisy data is collected from Reddit (https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.00388).

  1. Untar the files
tar -xvzf fr-en.tgz
tar -xvzf dev-v2.tgz
tar xvzf MTNT.1.0.tar.gz
  1. Preparing the data for training and testing includes selecting sentences of length less than 50, selecting subset of data and removing html tags
cd ../
sed '/<seg/!d' data/dev/newsdiscussdev2015-fren-ref.en.sgm | sed -e 's/\s*<[^>]*>\s*//g' > data/dev/dev.en
sed '/<seg/!d' data/dev/newsdiscussdev2015-fren-src.fr.sgm | sed -e 's/\s*<[^>]*>\s*//g' > data/dev/dev.fr
python prune_sentences.py data/europarl-v7.fr-en.fr data/europarl-v7-50.fr-en.fr data/europarl-v7.fr-en.en data/europarl-v7-50.fr-en.en 50
head -n1000000 data/europarl-v7-50.fr-en.fr > train.fr
head -n1000000 data/europarl-v7-50.fr-en.en > train.en
cut -f2 -d$'\t' MTNT/train/train.fr-en.tsv > train.mtnt.fr
cut -f3 -d$'\t' MTNT/train/train.fr-en.tsv > train.mtnt.en
cut -f2 -d$'\t' MTNT/valid/valid.fr-en.tsv > dev.mtnt.fr
cut -f3 -d$'\t' MTNT/valid/valid.fr-en.tsv > dev.mtnt.en
cut -f3 -d$'\t' MTNT/test/test.fr-en.tsv > test.mtnt.en
cut -f2 -d$'\t' MTNT/test/test.fr-en.tsv > test.mtnt.fr
  1. Use spe encoding to create sub-word data. Highly recommended ! Below command assumes you have spe models placed in sp_models/, specifically, europarl-v7.fr-en.en.model and europarl-v7.fr-en.fr.model. We have provided these files in the repository with vocab size 16k.
python encode_spm.py -m sp_models/europarl-v7.fr-en.fr.model -i data/train.fr -o data/train.tok.fr
python encode_spm.py -m sp_models/europarl-v7.fr-en.en.model -i data/train.en -o data/train.tok.en
python encode_spm.py -m sp_models/europarl-v7.fr-en.fr.model -i data/dev/dev.fr -o data/dev/dev.tok.fr
python encode_spm.py -m sp_models/europarl-v7.fr-en.en.model -i data/dev/dev.en -o data/dev/dev.tok.en

python encode_spm.py -m sp_models/europarl-v7.fr-en.fr.model -i data/test.mtnt.fr -o data/test.mtnt.tok.fr

Steps for training the baseline model:

  1. Training the model.
python vocab.py --train-src=data/train.tok.fr --train-tgt=data/train.tok.en data/vocab-bpe.bin --freq-cutoff 0
python nmt.py train --train-src="data/train.tok.fr" --train-tgt="data/train.tok.en" --dev-src="data/dev/dev.tok.fr" --dev-tgt="data/dev/dev.tok.en" --vocab="data/vocab.bin" --save-to="work_dir/" --valid-niter=1000 --batch-size=32 --hidden-size=256 --embed-size=512  --optim=1 --max-epoch=30 --uniform-init=0.1 --dropout=0.3 --lr=0.01 --clip-grad=20 --lr-decay=0.5 --patience=3 --tie-weights=1 --n_layers=2
  1. Decoding on the dev set, once the model is trained. Replace the model file name with the correct name.
python nmt.py decode --beam-size=5 --max-decoding-time-step=100 --embed-size=512 --tie-weights=1 --n_layers=2 --vocab="data/vocab-bpe.bin" "work_dir/model_epoch.t7" "data/dev/dev/dev.tok.fr" "work_dir/decode-fr-en.tok.txt"
python decode_spm.py -m sp_models/europarl-v7.fr-en.en.model -i work_dir/decode-fr-en.tok.txt -o work_dir/decode-fr-en.txt
  1. Compute the bleu score using the decoded file decode-fr-en.txt.
perl multi-bleu.perl "data/dev/dev.en" < "work_dir/decode-fr-en.txt"

Steps for generating EP-100k-SNI:

  1. Randomly sample 100k parallel examples from train.en and train.fr to create train-100k.en and train-100k.fr. An easy way to do this would be to just pick the top 100k examples (this might not be most representative of the entire dataset).
head -n100000 data/train.fr > data/train-100k.fr
head -n100000 data/train.en > data/train-100k.en
  1. Add random noise in this smaller dataset. We used the same smaller dataset across all the methods proposed in the paper.
python artificial_noise.py data/train-100k.fr data/train-100k.en data/train-100k.sni.fr data/train.sni.en "0.04,0.007,0.002,0.015"
python encode_spm.py -m sp_models/europarl-v7.fr-en.fr.model -i data/train.sni.fr -o data/train.sni.tok.fr
python encode_spm.py -m sp_models/europarl-v7.fr-en.en.model -i data/train.sni.en -o data/train.sni.tok.en

Steps for generating EP-100k-UBT:

  1. Get the TED talks data for training the two intermediate models from http://phontron.com/data/ted_talks.tar.gz
  2. Use ted_reader.py provided in the repository https://github.com/neulab/word-embeddings-for-nmt for extracting parallel corpora for en-fr.
  3. Make sure the following files exist in the folder ted_data/, train.fr, train.en, dev.fr and dev.en (these files will be obtained using the above two steps)
  4. Prune out sentences with length more than 50.
python prune_sentences.py ted_data/train.fr ted_data/train-50.fr ted_data/train.en ted_data/train-50.en 50
  1. Encode the data using the spe model trained on ted data (spe model provided).
python encode_spm.py -m sp_models/ted.fr-en.en.model -i ted_data/train-50.en -o ted_data/train.tok.en
python encode_spm.py -m sp_models/ted.fr-en.fr.model -i ted_data/train-50.fr -o ted_data/train.tok.fr
python encode_spm.py -m sp_models/ted.fr-en.en.model -i ted_data/dev.en -o ted_data/dev.tok.en
python encode_spm.py -m sp_models/ted.fr-en.fr.model -i ted_data/dev.fr -o ted_data/dev.tok.fr
python encode_spm.py -m sp_models/ted.fr-en.fr.model -i data/test.mtnt.fr -o ted_data/test.mtnt.tok.fr
  1. Concatenate the MTNT training data.
cat ted_data/train.tok.fr MTNT/train/train-50.mtnt.tok.fr > ted_data/train_ted_mtnt.tok.fr
cat ted_data/train.tok.en MTNT/train/train-50.mtnt.tok.en > ted_data/train_ted_mtnt.tok.en
  1. Train the model in forward and backward direction using the concatenated data and the commands mentioned for training the baseline model.
  2. To get the noisy data using UBT i.e EP-100k-UBT, just decode using the best models obtained in the previous step.
python encode_spm.py -m sp_models/ted.fr-en.fr.model -i data/train-100k.fr -o data/train-100k.ted.tok.fr
python encode_spm.py -m sp_models/ted.fr-en.en.model -i data/train-100k.en -o data/train-100k.ted.tok.en

python nmt.py decode --beam-size=5 --max-decoding-time-step=100 --embed-size=512 --tie-weights=1 --n_layers=2 --vocab="vocab-ted-fr-en.bin" "work_dir/model_ted_best_forward.t7" "data/train-100k.ted.tok.fr" "work_dir/ted.decode-fr-en.tok.en"

python nmt.py decode --beam-size=5 --max-decoding-time-step=100 --embed-size=512 --tie-weights=1 --n_layers=2 --vocab="ted_data/vocab-spe-reverse.bin" "work_dir/model_ted_best_backward.t7" "work_dir/ted.decode-fr-en.tok.en" "work_dir/ted.decode-fr-en.tok.fr"

python decode_spm.py -m sp_models/ted.fr-en.en.model -i work_dir/ted.decode-fr-en.tok.en -o work_dir/ted.train.decode-fr-en.en
python decode_spm.py -m sp_models/ted.fr-en.fr.model -i work_dir/ted.decode-fr-en.tok.fr -o work_dir/ted.train.decode-fr-en.fr
  1. The files ted.train.decode-fr-en.en and ted.train.decode-fr-en.fr are used in finetuning for the UBT method.

Steps for generating EP-100k-TBT:

  1. Follow the first five steps of UBT to get the required data.
  2. Prior to concatenating the data, append the data source tag.
sed 's/^/_TED_ /g' ted_data/train.tok.fr > ted_data/train.tag.tok.fr
sed 's/^/_MTNT_ /g' MTNT/train/train-50.mtnt.tok.fr > MTNT/train/train-50.mtnt.tag.tok.fr
  1. Concatenate the above two files for fr and en respectively.
cat ted_data/train.tag.tok.fr MTNT/train/train-50.mtnt.tag.tok.fr > ted_data/train_ted_mtnt.tag.tok.fr
  1. Use the files obtained in the above step to train the forward and backward model.
  2. To get the noisy data using TBT i.e EP-100k-TBT, just decode using the best models obtained in the previous step. But append the noisy data source tag before decoding.
sed 's/^/_MTNT_ /g' data/train-100k.ted.tok.fr > data/train-100k.ted.tag.tok.fr
sed 's/^/_MTNT_ /g' data/train-100k.ted.tok.en > data/train-100k.ted.tag.tok.en

python nmt.py decode --beam-size=5 --max-decoding-time-step=100 --embed-size=512 --tie-weights=1 --n_layers=2 --vocab="vocab-ted-fr-en.bin" "work_dir/model_ted_best_forward.t7" "data/train-100k.ted.tag.tok.fr" "work_dir/ted.decode-fr-en.tag.tok.en"

python nmt.py decode --beam-size=5 --max-decoding-time-step=100 --embed-size=512 --tie-weights=1 --n_layers=2 --vocab="ted_data/vocab-spe-reverse.bin" "work_dir/model_ted_best_backward.t7" "work_dir/ted.decode-fr-en.tag.tok.en" "work_dir/ted.decode-fr-en.tag.tok.fr"

python decode_spm.py -m sp_models/ted.fr-en.en.model -i work_dir/ted.decode-fr-en.tag.tok.en -o work_dir/ted.train.decode-fr-en.en
python decode_spm.py -m sp_models/ted.fr-en.fr.model -i work_dir/ted.decode-fr-en.tag.tok.fr -o work_dir/ted.train.decode-fr-en.fr
  1. The files ted.train.decode-fr-en.en and ted.train.decode-fr-en.fr are used in finetuning for the TBT method.

Steps for fine-tuning an existing model with noisy data:

It is same as training a new model using the additional data but with the weights loaded from a pre-trained model.

python nmt.py train --train-src="data/train.sni.tok.fr" --train-tgt="data/train.sni.tok.en" --dev-src="data/dev/dev.tok.fr" --dev-tgt="data/dev/dev.tok.en" --vocab="data/vocab.bin" --save-to="work_dir/" --valid-niter=1000 --batch-size=32 --hidden-size=256 --embed-size=512  --optim=1 --max-epoch=30 --uniform-init=0.1 --dropout=0.3 --lr=0.01 --clip-grad=20 --lr-decay=0.5 --patience=3 --tie-weights=1 --n_layers=2 --load-weights-from "work_dir/model_baseline.t7"

If you use the code, please consider citing the paper using following bibtex:


    title = {Improving Robustness of Machine Translation with Synthetic Noise},
    author = {Vaibhav and Sumeet Singh and Craig Stewart and Graham Neubig},
    booktitle = {Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL)},
    address = {Minneapolis, USA},
    month = {June},
    year = {2019}