
The Showtime library is designed for live performances using ZeroMQ.

MIT LicenseMIT


Different language implementations have been moved to seperate Git repositories.


Option A - Individual languages:

Plugins for programs

Option B - All languages

  • Run git clone https://github.com/Mystfit/Showtime.git
  • Run git submodule init followed by git submodule update

What is this?

Showtime is designed to let multiple programs running in multiple languages talk to each other whilst trying to cut down on the clutter required in setting up connections and discovering each other. It has been designed to help create meaningful links between programs used in live performance.

The project originated from the hassles I underwent trying to hook the music software Ableton Live up to Unity using OSC. I wrote the first version of this library using Python and C# to let Unity control Ableton Live through its underlying Python API, without needing to use any MIDI or OSC whatsoever, and that eventually evolved into the Java and Processing ports as well.


Unity <-> Ableton Live
Example of Python talking to Ableton Live

Processing <-> Ableton Live
Example of Showtime-Processing talking to Ableton Live

Python <-> Ableton Live
Example of Python talking to Ableton Live

Languages Supported

  • Python
  • C#
  • Java
  • Processing

Programs Supported

  • Ableton Live
  • Unity3D