
DAppNode Package for Emerald Dshackle

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Emerald Dshackle DAppNode Package

DAppNodeStore Available

Emerald Dshackle github (Official Dshackle Repo)

Emerald Dshackle is a Fault Tolerant Load Balancer for Blockchain API.

The goal of the Emerald Dshackle is to provide a stable routing to multiple nodes, and ensure that each request is executed on an appropriate provider. It considers nodes locations, state, current height, RPC methods it can provide and other characteristics.

It tries to recover from connection errors, faulty nodes, invalid responses, etc. If upstream lags behind others, lost peers below required, started to resync or went down, then Dshackle temporarily excludes it from requests and returns it when the upstream problem is fixed.


By default this DAppNode package will try to connect to http://geth.dappnode:8545 (you can change this in the setup wizard) as well as the following publicly available and free endpoints:

EthereumNodes and ChainList.org

1rpc https://1rpc.io/eth Ethereum
1rpc https://1rpc.io/matic Polygon
Ankr https://rpc.ankr.com/eth Ethereum
Ankr https://rpc.ankr.com/polygon Polygon
Blast https://eth-mainnet.public.blastapi.io Ethereum
Blast https://polygon-mainnet.public.blastapi.io Polygon
Cloudflare https://cloudflare-eth.com Ethereum
dRPC https://eth.drpc.org Ethereum
dRPC https://eth.drpc.org Polygon
LlamaNodes https://eth.llamarpc.com Ethereum
LlamaNodes https://polygon.llamarpc.com Polygon
MyEtherWallet https://nodes.mewapi.io/rpc/eth Ethereum
Pokt https://eth-rpc.gateway.pokt.network Ethereum
Pokt https://poly-rpc.gateway.pokt.network Polygon
Polygon-RPC https://polygon-rpc.com Polygon
PublicNode https://ethereum.publicnode.com Ethereum
PublicNode https://polygon-bor.publicnode.com Polygon
QuickNode https://rpc-mainnet.matic.quiknode.pro Polygon

All of the nodes except the local node (e.g. geth.dappnode) are configured with the role: fallback setting to ensure that your DAppNode is preferred over any of the other endpoints. Since there is no default endpoint for Polygon, and they are all fallback, it make no difference on Polygon. However, you can certainly add your own role: primary endpoint if you are running a local node! Additionally, if you sign up for any Premium or Paid endpoints, you can configure those with role: secondary so they're preferred over the free public fallback nodes!

Because Dshackle supports multiple chains, it requires a route to know which chain you are querying. By default the Ethereum chain is configured at /eth and Matic/Polygon is configured at /polygon

e.g http://dshackle.public.dappnode:8545/eth or ws://dshackle.public.dappnode:8546/polygon

Privacy Considerations

Take a look at ChainList.org - You may want to add or remove nodes from the default list if you're worried about the privacy policy of various providers, if you're into that kind of thing.


All of the configuration takes place in the /etc/dshackle/dshackle.yaml file, you can download, modify, and re-upload this file into the package as needed, then simply restart the container for the changes to take effect.

See official github repo documentation for how to configure dshackle.yaml - the default config should work for most people, but you might find that you want to expose additional methods, or add new providers, etc.

You can modify the config to include new providers, or private endpoints, etc.


There is now a priority field in the /etcdshackle/dshackle.yaml file under each provider. Obviously this is a subjective number that would only ever come into play if there was a fork. You may set whatever values you want here, but according to the Dshackle docs every endpoint must have a unique priority.

The higher number is more trusted. My choices in the default configs do not reflect any logic or implied bias on my part, I just started at 100 for the local node and subtracted 10 per endpoint as I went down. Set whatever you want.

This setting does not apply to Polygon endpoints.


Some notes about WebSocket usage and Dshackle:

Below are some of the issues I've seen with WebSockets:

  1. Some providers behave strangely when configured with WebSockets. Dshackle will throw odd errors, etc.
  2. Dshackle has issues with very large WebSocket responses (e.g. debug_ methods) where it will just drop the reply.
  3. Dshackle will use WebSockets to subscribe to new headers/blocks. This consumes a decent number of "calls" to your "freemium" nodes.
  4. I recently noticed that the official DAppNode Geth client has WebSockets disabled (I don't know why).

WebSockets are a pain in the ass, sorry but they just are. However, since Dshackle has put a lot of effort into supporting them and making them better, I've included support for it in the new release (v0.3.0)

If you want to enable WebSockets on the default Geth installation you have to add this to the extra options in the Geth package:

--ws --ws.addr --ws.port 8546 --ws.origins="*" --ws.api eth,net,web3,txpool

You can adjust the --ws.api as needed obviously. Also, by default methods like eth_newFilter are not enabled by Dshackle, so you'd need to enable them on a supported upstream provider (such as your local node).

Look, it's all configurable... so you do you, but I'm warning you... WebSockets suck.

Adding/Removing WebSocket connections to endpoints is as simple as:

        url: "http://geth.dappnode:8545"
        url: "ws://geth.dappnode:8546"

Adding/Removing methods is in the docs but it looks like this:

        - name: eth_newFilter
        - name: eth_sendRawTransaction


Dshackle does support TLS/SSL encryption, you can upload certs into the /etc/dshackle folder if you want to use it, though it might be easier to just expose Dsahckle through the DAppNode's HTTPS tool.

For more info on how to use/setup TLS for Dshackle see the official repo docs.


Prometheus metrics are enabled in the default config at :8081/metrics

Health Check

A health check is provided at :8082/health and will return HTTP 200 if at least 1 Ethereum endpoint and 1 Polygon endpoint is working.

See Health Checks for more info.



A cool trick you can do to submit transactions through Flashbots

  1. Add Flashbots RPC

            url: "https://rpc.flashbots.net"
  2. Disable eth_sendRawTransaction on all configured endpoints EXCEPT for the Flashbots RPC endpoint:

            - name: eth_sendRawTransaction

Now Dshackle has no choice but to route all of your transactions through the only available upstream for that method, the Flashbots RPC endpoint.

Other Providers

Below is a list of other providers I know of that you can also add to your config by editing your /etc/dshackle/dshackle.yaml file.

Also check out ChainList.org or EthereumNodes to find more Freemium or Paid providers!


QuickNode now has a free tier! Using QuickNode is as simple as signing up and creating an endpoint and adding it like this:

        url: "https://${name-name-name}.quiknode.pro/${token}/


Chainstack is another provider with a free tier. If you want to use Chainstack you need to send basic auth, here's an example:

        url: "https://${whatever}.p2pify.com"
            username: connor-macleod
            password: there-can-be-only-one

Pocket Network (POKT)

Pocket Network (a.k.a POKT) is another provider with a free tier that gives you the option to use a "Secret Key" which according to their docs is just an HTTP basic-auth password, without a username. You don't have to enable it, but it's recommended. I haven't actually tested this but theoretically this would work:

        url: "https://eth-mainnet.gateway.pokt.network/v1/lb/${whatever}"
            username: ""
            password: ${SecretKey}

More Configs

I have another repo that contains various configs for various clients and providers:


Be warned, I don't update it very often, it could be outdated. Use with caution.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.