This is a Mythic C2 Profile called websocket. It provides a way for agents to connect in via a static websocket connection and then make their standard beaconing traffic within the single connection. This profile includes:
- Kill Dates
- Sleep Intervals (for the messages within the single websocket connection)
- Support for SSL
The c2 profile has mythic_container==0.0.24
PyPi package installed and reports to Mythic as version "3".
participant M as Mythic
participant H as websocket
participant A as Agent
A -> H: 1
Note over A: 2
loop Websockets Protocol
A -->> H: 3
H ->> M: 4
M -->> H: 5
H -->> A: 6
- The Agent sends an HTTP/S Upgrade request to the Websockets server. The server responds with "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols".
- The Agent and Websocket server begin using the websockets protocol to send and receive messages.
- Agent sends a message to receive taskings from server. The Message is inside a
Text Frame
as JSON of{"client":true,"data": <b64data_to_mythic>,"tag":""}
- Websocket sends a GET/POST request to receive taskings from Mythic
- Mythic returns tasks to Websocket
- Websocket sends new tasks to the agent. The Message is inside a
Text Frame
as JSON of{"client":false,"data": <b64data_from_mythic>,"tag":""}
Use mythic-cli to install it:
sudo ./mythic-cli install github
See for more information