
PyPi Package in the Mythic Payload Type Containers

Primary LanguagePython


This PyPi package is deprecated in favor of the more generic mythic-container PyPi package and the https://github.com/MythicMeta/MythicContainerPyPi repository.

Mythic Payload Type Container

The mythic_payloadtype_container package creates an easy way to get everything set up in a new PayloadType container for a Mythic supported Payload Type. Mythic is a Command and Control (C2) framework for Red Teaming. The code is on GitHub (https://github.com/its-a-feature/Mythic) and the Mythic project's documentation is on GitBooks (https://docs.mythic-c2.net). This code will be included in the default Mythic Payload Type containers, but is available for anybody making custom containers as well.


You can install the mythic scripting interface from PyPI:

pip install mythic-payloadtype-container

How to use

This container reports to mythic as version 11 (PyPi version 0.1.10). Use it with Mythic version 2.3.0.

For the main execution of the heartbeat and service functionality, simply import and start the service:

from mythic_payloadtype_container import mythic_service

You can also set MYTHIC_ENVIRONMENT=Testing environment variable (directly for your container/host or via Mythic/.env) to get detailed debugging information.

You can get the Mythic version of this package with the get_version_info function:

from mythic_payloadtype_container import get_version_info

Where is the code?

The code for this PyPi package can be found at https://github.com/MythicMeta/Mythic_PayloadType_Container