∙ A bunch of configs that I use day to day, some are maintained some are not.
∙ I do not maintain wm related configs anymore, however I do maintain general configs such as that of zsh and nvim.
∙ GTK is custom made using oomox.
∙ Added new darker themed configs. (first two screenshots)
∙ Added new rofi theme check .config/rofi/New rofi config
∙ Locker is i3lock-fancy(AUR)
⁍ Hades: https://github.com/Aero-len
⁍ xXTgamerXx: https://github.com/xXTgamerXx
⁍ Wallpapers: https://www.deviantart.com/bisbiswas
⁍ GTK generator: https://github.com/themix-project/oomox