
Discord bot that randomly plays mp3 files of your choice

Primary LanguageTypeScript

randommemer discord bot logotype

What is this!?

this is a discord bot that joins a random voice channel in a random guild and plays a random sound file (mp3) at a random time. it uses the @discordjs/voice library for voice connections and the node-schedule library for scheduling the next join. the bot also starts a web server using the startserver function from the webserver module.

Get started

to use this project, you'll need to install FFmpeg:

  • For Linux, run the command sudo apt install ffmpeg in your terminal.
  • For other operating systems, download FFmpeg from the official website and install it.

once you have FFmpeg installed, follow these steps to get the project up and running:

  1. Run npm i in your terminal to install all dependencies.
  2. Run npm run create to create the .env file in the root folder.
  3. Open the .env file and insert your Discord bot token.
  4. Run npm start to start the project.

make sure you have those installed:

  • Node.js (v16 or later)
  • npm (v7 or later)

[OPTIONAL] on server i run this using pm2 to manage it.


if the command npm run create doesnt work, create a .env file with the following contents in same folder as bot.ts:

TOKEN=<your Discord bot token>
INTERVALMIN_MINUTES=<minimum interval in minutes>
INTERVALMAX_HOURS=<maximum interval in hours>
VOICECHANNELRETRIES=<number of retries to find a voice channel with members in it>

replace <your Discord bot token> with your actual Discord bot token. replace <minimum interval in minutes>, <maximum interval in hours>, and <number of retries to find a voice channel with members in it> with your desired values.

How to get discord token

Helpful links for creating your Discord application and finding the token:

Getting token | Discord Developer Portal

How do I get it into my Discord server?

once the bot start successfully youll get the full invitation link in the terminal.

Webpage for managing uploads

once the project starts it will host a website where the user can access and upload sound clips.

it will run on ssl ports if certificates exists. you can generate certficates using the script located at: ./client/certs/create-cert.sh using git-bash for example. this is not mandatory and the server will use http if no certficates exists.

Libraries Used

this bot uses the following libraries:

  • @discordjs/voice: For voice connections.
  • discord.js: For interacting with the Discord API.
  • dotenv: For loading environment variables from a .env file.
  • fs: For reading files from the file system.
  • node-schedule: For scheduling the next join.
  • express: For starting a web server.


if you'd like to contribute to this project, please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes.

