
A self-made JS library with similarities to JQuery. It's a personal project created to learn how to create library's in JavaScript. It is also a tool for me to simplify my process of future web development.


Spincore icon

Tool for my own use to speed up the process of making websites.

What is this?

This is a JavaScript library that simplifies few parts of developing and designing web apps.

How do I use it?

You start with the main function, $pin. Then tell the function what object to look for by adding parentheses after $pin with object id. When you have done that, you can start to tell it what to do by adding .nameOfAction() so for example if you use .divInfo(value) you can replace value with "width" to return the width of the object as a number.

The final code for this example can look like this: $pin("#wrapper").divInfo("width");

Spin CommandList

Syntax Description
$pin(selector).divInfo(value); Gets position data and size data from selected object.
$pin(selector).attr(name, value); Changes or list attributes. Just like JQuery.
$pin(selector).hide(); Hides selected object
$pin(selector).getText(url, attribute); Grabs content from url, super basic AJAX
$pin(selector).getAjax(url, attribute, search); AJAX call that can search through JSON for the right values
$pin(selector).phoneMenu(float, target); Handles menu's on mobile devices. Mostly position.
$pin(selector).random(value / empty); Gives you a random number, default is 10.
$pin(selector).cobweb(value, value, value); Multi-functional tool focused on events and positions, read more about it below.

##Spincore CommandList

Syntax Description
$pincore().random(value / empty) Gives you a random number, default is 10.
$pincore().setCookie(cookieName, cookieValue, expires) Creates a cookie from specified input. expires only count in days.
$pincore().getCookie(cookieName) Gets the cookie value. Has to be selected by it's name.
$pincore().delCookie(cookieName) Removes selected cookie.

What can it do?

It can't do much right now, but it will be a toolkit once it's done. Everything documented here should work.

What is the difference between Spincore and Spin?

With Spin can you work with the selector, with Spincore you don't need that. But sadly does Spincore have less functions.

Can I use this?

Yes of course you can. But make sure you let people know that I'm the author by not removing comments in the library.

In depth

Function Syntax
phoneMenu() The target is used for toggling the menu and the selector is the object you want to act like a menu. $pin(id).phoneMenu("right / left / top / bottom", "id")
getAjax() Used to make a AJAX call to specified document. Attribute can be ignored. Specify search to find a object by name. $pin(selector).getAjax(url, attribute / null, search)
getText() Used to make a AJAX call to specified document. This function returns the entire requested document. $pin(selector).getText(url, attribute / null)
random() Outputs a random generated number. Default value is 10. $pin(selector).random(int / null)
divInfo() Works like a variable, select the object with the selector and set the value to left / right / top / bottom / width / height as a string. $pin(selector).divInfo(value)


What does spiders have to do with this? cobweb is the "main" function, it has the tools for structuring objects and handling them. It can also handle animations such as zooming on hover. Let's start to spin some silk so we get a cobweb!

Name Syntax Description
PlaceMeAt $pin(selector).cobweb("PlaceMeAt", "selector2", "center/null") Moves selector to specified selector2. center positions selector in center of selector2 both horizontally and vertically. Using center is optional.

More is coming!

Made by Ludvig Olausson