
vHeat: Building Vision Models upon Heat Conduction

Primary LanguagePython


vHeat: Building Vision Models upon Heat Conduction

ZhaoZhi Wang1,2*, Yue Liu1*, Yunfan Liu1, Hongtian Yu1,

Yaowei Wang2,3, Qixiang Ye1,2, Yunjie Tian1

1 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2 Peng Cheng Laboratory,

3 Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)

* Equal contribution.

Paper: (2405.16555)


A fundamental problem in learning robust and expressive visual representations lies in efficiently estimating the spatial relationships of visual semantics throughout the entire image. In this study, we propose vHeat, a novel vision backbone model that simultaneously achieves both high computational efficiency and global receptive field. The essential idea, inspired by the physical principle of heat conduction, is to conceptualize image patches as heat sources and model the calculation of their correlations as the diffusion of thermal energy. This mechanism is incorporated into deep models through the newly proposed module, the Heat Conduction Operator (HCO), which is physically plausible and can be efficiently implemented using DCT and IDCT operations with a complexity of O(N1.5). Extensive experiments demonstrate that vHeat surpasses Vision Transformers (ViTs) across various vision tasks, while also providing higher inference speeds, reduced FLOPs, and lower GPU memory usage for high-resolution images.

Main Results

📖 Checkpoint and log files will be released soon

Classification on ImageNet-1K with vHeat

name pretrain resolution acc@1 #params FLOPs Throughput configs/logs/ckpts
Swin-T ImageNet-1K 224x224 81.2 29M 4.5G 1244
Swin-S ImageNet-1K 224x224 83.0 50M 8.7G 728
Swin-B ImageNet-1K 224x224 83.5 89M 15.4G 458
vHeat-T ImageNet-1K 224x224 82.2 29M 4.6G 1514 config/log/ckpt
vHeat-S ImageNet-1K 224x224 83.6 50M 8.5G 945 config/log/ckpt
vHeat-B ImageNet-1K 224x224 83.9 87M 14.9G 661 config/log/ckpt
  • Models in this subsection are trained from scratch with random or manual initialization.
  • Throughput is test on pytorch2.0 + cuda12.1 + A100 + AMD EPYC 7542 CPU.
  • We use ema because our model is still under development.

Object Detection on COCO with vHeat

Backbone #params FLOPs Detector box mAP mask mAP configs/logs/ckpts
Swin-T 48M 267G MaskRCNN@1x 42.7 39.3 --
vHeat-T 53M 286G MaskRCNN@1x 45.1 41.2 config/log/ckpt
Swin-S 69M 354G MaskRCNN@1x 44.8 40.9 --
vHeat-S 74M 377G MaskRCNN@1x 46.8 42.3 config/log/ckpt
Swin-B 107M 496G MaskRCNN@1x 46.9 42.3 --
vHeat-B 115M 526G MaskRCNN@1x 47.7 43.0 config/log/ckpt
Swin-T 48M 267G MaskRCNN@3x 46.0 41.6 --
vHeat-T 53M 286G MaskRCNN@3x 47.3 42.5 config/log/ckpt
Swin-S 69M 354G MaskRCNN@3x 48.2 43.2 --
vHeat-S 74M 377G MaskRCNN@3x 48.8 43.7 config/log/ckpt
  • Models in this subsection are initialized from the models trained in classfication.

Semantic Segmentation on ADE20K with vHeat

Backbone Input #params FLOPs Segmentor mIoU(SS) configs/logs/ckpts
Swin-T 512x512 60M 945G UperNet@160k 44.4 --
vHeat-T 512x512 62M 948G UperNet@160k 47.0 config/log/ckpt
Swin-S 512x512 81M 1039G UperNet@160k 47.6 --
vHeat-S 512x512 82M 1028G UperNet@160k 49.0 config/log/ckpt
Swin-B 512x512 121M 1188G UperNet@160k 48.1 --
vHeat-B 512x512 129M 1219G UperNet@160k 49.6 config/log/ckpt
  • Models in this subsection are initialized from the models trained in classfication.

Getting Started


Step 1: Clone the vHeat repository:

To get started, first clone the vHaet repository and navigate to the project directory:

git clone https://github.com/MzeroMiko/vHeat.git
cd vHeat

Step 2: Environment Setup:

Create and activate a new conda environment

conda create -n vHeat
conda activate vHeat

Install Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Dependencies for Detection and Segmentation (optional)

pip install mmengine==0.10.1 mmcv==2.1.0 opencv-python-headless ftfy regex
pip install mmdet==3.3.0 mmsegmentation==1.2.2 mmpretrain==1.2.0

Model Training and Inference


To train vHeat models for classification on ImageNet, use the following commands for different configurations:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nnodes=1 --node_rank=0 --nproc_per_node=16 --master_addr="" --master_port=29501 main.py --cfg </path/to/config> --batch-size 128 --data-path </path/to/dataset> --output /tmp

If you only want to test the performance (together with params and FLOPs):

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nnodes=1 --node_rank=0 --nproc_per_node=1 --master_addr="" --master_port=29501 main.py --cfg </path/to/config> --batch-size 128 --data-path </path/to/dataset> --output /tmp --resume </path/to/checkpoint> --eval --model_ema False

please refer to modelcard for more details.

Detection and Segmentation

To evaluate with mmdetection or mmsegmentation:

bash ./tools/dist_test.sh </path/to/config> </path/to/checkpoint> 1

use --tta to get the mIoU(ms) in segmentation

To train with mmdetection or mmsegmentation:

bash ./tools/dist_train.sh </path/to/config> 8

For more information about detection and segmentation tasks, please refer to the manual of mmdetection and mmsegmentation. Remember to use the appropriate backbone configurations in the configs directory.

Before training on downstream tasks (detection/segmentation), please run interpolate4downstream.py to modify the classification pre-trained checkpoint to load for training.


      title={vHeat: Building Vision Models upon Heat Conduction}, 
      author={Zhaozhi Wang and Yue Liu and Yunfan Liu and Hongtian Yu and Yaowei Wang and Qixiang Ye and Yunjie Tian},