
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Why React Native?

  • It is not webview/performance
  • React and Javascript
  • Developer experience
  • Codepush
  • Code sharing

Cons (Negative)

  • Bridge
  • Swift and Java are still needed
  • Fast paced

Requirements and Setup

  • Expo which enables you to develop and test for Android and IOS npm install -g expo-cli Also download expo in phone to test
  • node
  • npm
  • watchman (not required but good to have)
  • cocopods
  • Java
  • Android Studio
  • Apple Developer Account to upload for IOS
  • Google PLaystore Account to upload for android

to start creating project, in git bash type npx create-expo-app projectname

Then open new git bash... expo login -u username -p password

Start development command: expo start

When SDK not found error, add 'local.properties' in android folder Then insert this in the file: sdk.dir = C:\Users\pinky\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk