Todo Api Rate Limiter

This sophisticated system is built on a foundation of cutting-edge technologies such as Node.js, Express.js, Typescript, Postgresql, and Sequelize ORM. It offers a range of essential features like user authentication, registration, and todo management, with the added advantage of a highly effective rate limiting mechanism. This mechanism allows individual users a specific number of requests per minute and per month while also limiting the total number of requests the system can receive per minute, ensuring optimal performance and preventing overloading.

Moreover, to ensure the rate limiting mechanism is effective even on a distributed setup, we leverage the power of redis. This intelligent design enhances the system's reliability, stability, and security, making it a dependable tool for managing your tasks and responsibilities.


- Clone The Repository

- Open the terminal and navigate to the directory where the cloned project is located

- open your terminal and run "yarn"
- open your terminal and run "yarn start"

- open your browser and visit "localhost:5000/api-docs"

Visit the Todo Api Rate Limiter System Design Presentation In this presentation, I explained in details how this application works and especially how the rate limiting mechanism works.

Developed By 💻NKUBITO Pacis👨‍💻
