

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Don't support download video make from image -> only download music

New Feature - Only Download New Video:

-The name of the downloaded video is of the form: id-description.mp4 (lastest video is downloaded is newest video in douyin)

-Get the "id" and enter the prompt to download new videos start from "id"

How to use:

-Open link of user, example: https://www.douyin.com/user/MS4wLjABAAAA5A-hCBCTdv102baOvaoZqg7nCIW_Bn_YBA0Aiz9uYPY

-Open DevChrome(F12)

-Set delay in milisecond at: "await waitforme(1000);" (optional)

-Paste code to console;

-Enter "id" of video, fill "0" if want to download all video;

-View process in console;

-If have any bug, create Issues!