
A decentralized favorites and bookmarks based on Git hosting

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A decentralized favorites and bookmarks based on Git hosting
一个基于 Git 托管去中心化的收藏夹,书签

Demo 示例


Usage 使用

Fork 项目,从浏览器导出书签 HTML,再转换书签为 Markdown,保存到 libs/*.md
Fork project, export bookmark HTML from browser, convert bookmark to Markdown, save to libs/*.md

私有化部署 dist,再把 libs 文件夹拷贝到 dist,更新索引文件 libs/index.json
Privately deploy dist, then copy the libs folder to dist, update the index file libs/index.json

Visit 访问

https://uuid.fun/{name} {name} is your account, default netnr
https://uuid.fun/{name}/{repos} {repos} repository, default uuid
https://uuid.fun#{name}/{repos} offline