
A class/method decorator for caching properties support global cache (time, hits) control

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python 3

A class/method decorator for caching properties support global cache, (time, hits) control

what cproperty do for you?

  • save resources and time by caching expensive operations values
  • access the same cache of your properties through any instance of the same class (if cproperty set to general)
  • cache-control by hits (how many time you can use the same cache) or time countdown


You can either install from pypi or the source code

  1. Using pip
pip install cproperty
  1. from the source code
git clone https://github.com/n0x1s/cproperty
cd cproperty
pip install -e .

How to use

Let us suppose you have a class that every time you call id method a new connection made to the server returning the id and this operation takes 5 seconds

# old-style class example
class Worker:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def call_server(self)
        print('calling the server')
        time.sleep(5) # example of heavy operation
        return self.name

    @property # old version
    def id(self):
        return  self.call_server()

>>> bobris = Worker('Rick')
>>> bobris.id # now we have to wait 5 sec while the job is done
> 'calling the server.'
> 'Rick'
>>> bobris.id # calling it another time will do the same job and we have to wait another 5 sec
> 'calling the server.'
> 'Rick'

now every time we are going to access id, the call_server method will be called, and that will take a lot of time especially if we are using id a lot in our code

now let's use our Property decorator to cache it

from cproperty import cproperty
# new-style class example

class Worker:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def call_server(self)
        print('calling the server')
        time.sleep(5) # example of heavy operation
        return self.name

    @cproperty # new version
    def id(self):
        return  self.call_server()

>>> w = Worker('T-Pole')
>>> w.id # now we have to wait 5 sec while the job is done
> 'calling the server'
> 'T-Pole'
>>> w.id # now every time we call id we gonna get a cached version
> 'T-Pole'

so as you can see using cproperty can save a lot of time and resources

Note: You can alias cproperty to whatever you want when importing it

Setting a general (global) property

from cproperty import cproperty
# new-style class example

class Worker:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def call_server(self)
        print('calling the server')
        time.sleep(5) # example of heavy operation
        return True

    @cproperty(general=True) # new version
    def is_cool(self):
        return self.call_server()

>>> w = Worker('T-Pole')
>>> captin = Worker('jonathan')
>>> w.is_cool # now we have to wait 5 sec while the job is done
> 'calling the server'
> True
>>> captin.is_cool # this will use the global cache of w instead of making new one for this instance
> True

Note: You can only use global cache on instance that are from the same class Note: in this example I only returned a boolean value, you can use the global cache, so all instance use same cookies for example or same selenium web driver

Setting cache-control

1 ) time control

import time
from cproperty import cproperty
# new-style class example

class Worker:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def call_server(self)
        print('calling the server')
        time.sleep(5) # example of heavy operation
        return True

    @cproperty(timeout=60) # this cache will expired after 60 seconds
    def is_cool(self):
        return self.call_server()

>>> w = Worker('T-Pole')
>>> w.is_cool # now we have to wait 5 sec while the job is done
> 'calling the server'
> True
>>> time.sleep(30) # sleeping the half duration
>>> w.is_cool
> True # still using the same cache
>>> time.sleep(40) # sleeping enough time so the cache can be get cleared
>>> w.is_cool
> 'calling the server' # getting new version
> True

when the cache expired new version obtained and a new counter stored

2) hits control

import time
from cproperty import cproperty
# new-style class example

class Worker:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def call_server(self)
        print('calling the server')
        time.sleep(5) # example of heavy operation
        return True

    @cproperty(hits=5) # this cache will expired after 5 hits
    def is_cool(self):
        return self.call_server()

>>> w = Worker('T-Pole')
>>> w.is_cool # now we have to wait 5 sec while the job is done
> 'calling the server'
> True
>>> for _ in range(5):
>>>     print(w.is_cool)
> True
> True
> True
> True
> 'calling the server' # cache expired getting new version
> True

3) combining controllers (time, hits)

import time
from cproperty import cproperty
# new-style class example

class Worker:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def call_server(self)
        print('calling the server')
        time.sleep(5) # example of heavy operation
        return True

    @cproperty(hits=5, timeout=60) # this cache will expired after 5 hits or 60 seconds
    def is_cool(self):
        return self.call_server()

Note: You can combine all arguments (general, hits, timeout)

4) using setter validator

import time
from cproperty import cproperty
# new-style class example

class Worker:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def call_server(self)
        print('calling the server')
        time.sleep(5) # example of heavy operation
        return True

    @cproperty(hits=5, timeout=60
					   validator=lambda x: bool(x) and isinstance(x, str))
	# if the value is not true and not a str this will raise a value error
    def is_cool(self):
        return self.call_server()

Note: You can also use any other function not just lambda functions**

Setting class decorator

1 ) auto detect

this will turn all methods that doesn't take parameters to cached property

import time
from cproperty import classdecorator

@classdecorator # or @classdecorator(hits=5, timeout=10, ...)
class Worker:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

	def say_hello(self, name):
		return f'hello {name}'

    def is_cool(self):
        print('calling the server')
        time.sleep(5) # example of heavy operation
        return True
>>> w = Worker('T-Pole')
>>> w.say_hello
> <bound method w.say_hello of <__main__.Worker object at 0x7fb53de14fd0>>
> # say_hello was not changed because it takes parameter "name"
>>> w.is_cool
> 'calling the server'
> True

Note: i won't recommend to use auto option or a large class unless you know what you are doing**

2 ) set only on some methods

this will turn only methods that was pass in to cached property

import time
from cproperty import classdecorator

# or @classdecorator(methods=['is_cool', 'say_hello1'], hits=5, timeout=10, ...)
@classdecorator(methods=['is_cool', 'say_hello1'])
class Worker:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

	def say_hello(self, name):
		return f'hello {name}'

    def say_hello1(self):
	    return 'hello'

    def is_cool(self):
        print('calling the server')
        time.sleep(5) # example of heavy operation
        return True
>>> w = Worker('T-Pole')
>>> w.say_hello
> <bound method w.say_hello of <__main__.Worker object at 0x7fb53de14fd0>>
> # say_hello was not changed because it was not pass in
>>> w.is_cool
> 'calling the server'
> True
>>> w.say_hello1
> 'hello'

Note: you can pass all the parameters of cproperty as KEYWORD arguments only


I will try to maintain this respiratory and update or add new things to it you are welcome to contribute ☺️

Here some of the following features:

  • Add methods decorator
  • Support cache-control: by time and hits
  • Support general cache
  • Support concurrence and paralleled methods
  • Add class decorator
  • Add metaclass class

And, as always have a beautiful day!