
Choose a custom cursor already made, save time

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Prebuilt Cursor Styles

Elevate your web application's user experience with cursor-style, a sophisticated library designed to customize and animate the cursor. From adding elegance and interactivity to standing out, cursor-style provides an array of options to enhance your site's interactive elements with minimal effort.


1. installation

npm install cursor-style

2. Features

  • Custom Cursor Shapes: Easily transform the default cursor into a variety of shapes to match the context of different web page elements.

  • Cursor Animations: Introduce animations to the cursor for interactive feedback in a stylish and engaging manner.

  • Seamless Integration: Effortlessly integrate cursor-style into any web project with just a few lines of code.

  • Extensive Configurability: Tailor size, color, animation speed, and more to perfectly align with your site's aesthetic.

  • Optimized Performance: Engineered for efficiency, ensuring fluid animations that do not hinder site responsiveness.

  • Flexible Configuration: Features such as optional movement delay allow for dynamic interaction customization.

  • Bug Fixes and Improvements:

    • Fixed issue where cursors would not center correctly at larger sizes.

    • Adjusted animation speeds for improved consistency across different cursor types.

    • Resolved bug where the delay prop was incorrectly required, now allowing for more flexible configuration.

3. New in This Release

  • Optional delay Prop: Introduced flexibility in cursor movement, allowing for immediate or delayed cursor response.

  • size Customization: New property to adjust the cursor size, enabling better control over the cursor's appearance.

  • Background Color Options: Added bgColor, bgColorDot, and bgColorOutline props to customize the cursor's color scheme to fit your design.

  • Unique Cursor Components: Expanded the cursor library with distinct styles, each supporting specific customizations:

    • CursorOne: Offers a simple, elegant cursor with size and background color customization.
    • CursorTwo: Features a dot and outline design, with additional sizeDot and sizeOutline props for intricate adjustments.
    • CursorThree: A minimalist approach with a transparent cursor that supports border customization.
  • Enhanced Performance: Optimizations ensure smoother animations and responsiveness, even with multiple custom cursors active.

Comprehensive Customization: Beyond size and color, props like useMixBlendDifferenc` provide creative control over blending modes, allowing for dynamic visual effects that react to web page backgrounds.

4. Demo

5. Visualisation

First Cursor

Second Cursor

Third Cursor

6. Usage

Basic Usage

Integrate custom cursors into your project with ease. Here are examples for each cursor type, showcasing how to utilize various props for customization:

CursorOne - Basic Circle

import { CursorOne } from "cursor-style";

function App() {
  return (
    <CursorOne size={30} delay={5} bgColor="red" useMixBlendDifference={true} />

CursorTwo - Dot and Outline

import { CursorTwo } from "cursor-style";

function App() {
  return (

CursorThree - Transparent with Border

import { CursorThree } from "cursor-style";

function App() {
  return <CursorThree size={25} delay={2} />;

CustomCursor - Flexible Type Selection

import { CustomCursor } from "cursor-style";

function App() {
  return (

6. Customization

Each cursor component accepts specific props for customization:

  • size: Adjusts the overall size of the cursor.

  • delay: Alters the movement delay, creating a trailing effect.

  • bgColor, bgColorDot, bgColorOutline: Customizes the color for different cursor elements.

  • sizeDot, sizeOutline: Specifically for CursorTwo, these props adjust the sizes of the dot and outline elements.

7. Support

Encountered an issue or have a feature request? Reach out through my Github account

8. Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please see our contributing guidelines for more details.