
A Video Sharing platform withan aim on lightness and easy of use

Primary LanguageVue

Streaming Video Next.js

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Streaming Video Next.js is a repository that contains a Next.js project for streaming and downloading videos. This application leverages the power of Next.js, React, MongoDB, and Prisma to provide a seamless video streaming experience, allowing users to download and watch high-quality videos in 4K resolution using the HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) protocol.


  • Video Streaming: The application uses the HLS protocol to stream videos, ensuring smooth playback across different devices and network conditions.
  • Video Download: Users can download videos in 4K resolution for offline viewing.
  • Next.js: The project is built with Next.js, a popular React framework that offers server-side rendering, efficient routing, and a great development experience.
  • React: The UI components and interactions are developed using React, providing a modular and reusable codebase.
  • MongoDB: MongoDB is integrated into the project for storing video metadata and user information.
  • Prisma: Prisma serves as the database toolkit and ORM, allowing easy and efficient interaction with the MongoDB database.

Getting Started

To get started with the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository: Start by cloning the repository to your local machine.
git clone https://github.com/ernivani/streaming-video-next.js.git
  1. Install Dependencies: Navigate to the project directory and install the necessary dependencies.
cd streaming-video-next.js
npm install
  1. Set Up Environment Variables: Create a .env file in the root directory and configure the following environment variables:
# MongoDB connection URL
  1. Run the Application: Start the development server to run the application locally.
npm run dev
  1. Access the Application: Once the server is running, access the application by visiting http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.

Project Structure

The project structure is organized as follows:

  • pages/: Contains the Next.js pages that define the application routes.
  • public/: Stores static assets such as videos, images, and stylesheets.
  • components/: Contains reusable React components used throughout the application.
  • lib/: Includes utility functions, helper classes, and configuration files.
  • prisma/: Contains the Prisma schema and migration files for managing the database.
  • styles/: Stores global CSS styles and styling modules for components.

Feel free to explore the codebase, customize the application, and extend its functionality to suit your specific requirements.


Contributions to this project are highly appreciated. If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License, which means you are free to use, modify, and distribute the code for personal or commercial purposes.


For any further questions or inquiries, please feel free to reach out to me at contact@impin.fr.