
Simplifications / Deviations from original task:

Due to personal time constraint, I have simplified the task slightly in the following ways, allowing me to get to a working prototype a bit quicker:

  • Long/Lat flattened in JSON
  • null replaced with 0 in the coordinates

Suboptimal design choices I wouldn't do in a real production app which I did to save time/effort/inexperience with C#:

  • load/parse JSON on every API call
  • single API endpoint with filtering through query string
  • displaying all points on the map instead of grouping many close ones into cluster
  • using inline styles
  • hardcoding property types in the dropdown

additional things needed if this was a "real" projects (left out because time constraint)

  • unit-testing filter functions
  • document API outside of code
  • style frontend to look nice
  • take css out of inline JSX into something like styled-components

how to run

(tested on MacOS and Ubuntu)

  • cd into propertyAPI (backend)
  • run dotnet build
  • run dotnet run
  • cd into frontend
  • run npm i
  • run npm run start

open http://localhost:3000/ in any modern browser

Subsequent User Stories

  • As a user, I want to be able to see a list of all relevant information (adress etc.) when selecting a property.

  • As a user I want to be able to judge the surrounding area of a property by seeing markers of nearby schools, public transport, supermarkets etc.

  • As a maintainer I want to be able to add and modify properties without going into the source code.