Allows for rclone to run in the background and backup files while no current Plex streams are active. If a stream is detected, the backup is killed freeing up resources (RAM, CPU, and Bandwidth) for watching content!
- Clone or download repository to your desired computer/server
- Open and modify the following items with your respective values
- <PLEX_TOKEN> With your Respective Plex Token -- Here's a guide from Plex to getting your Plex Token
- [http|https] Update with either HTTP or HTTPS
- <PLEX_SERVER_IP> Update with your Plex Server IP
- Open and modify the following items with your respective values
- <TO> With the location you are going to sync
- <FROM> With the location you desire to sync the location with
- Feel free to add/modify/remove item from the rclone command
- Setup crontab item to have the backup scheduled
- Add entry to crontab --
sudo crontab -e
- Add the following line to the end of the file (best to run script at a lower interval to handle when Plex streams change) --If you would like help setting up your scheduled task Crontab Guru is a great interactive tool
* * * * * <PATH_TO_REPO>/
-- Will run script every minute- Replace the following with the respective path oft he downloaded/cloned repository <PATH_TO_REPO>
- Add entry to crontab --