
Kotlin Multiplatform Preferences system

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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The Kotlin Multiplatform Pref(erence)s system allows you to store, retrieve, and remove data locally on each platform. It leverages the native mechanisms provided by each platform.


Version catalog

  • libs.version.toml
kmprefs = "1.0.1"

kmprefs = { module = "io.github.n7ghtm4r3:KMPrefs", version.ref = "kmprefs" }
  • build.gradle.kts
dependencies {

Gradle (Kotlin)

dependencies {

Gradle (Groovy)

dependencies {
    implementation 'io.github.n7ghtm4r3:KMPrefs:1.0.1'

Core functionality

Supported types

Type Description
Boolean Boolean type (true/false)
BooleanArray Array of Boolean
Byte 8-bit signed integer
ByteArray Array of Byte
UByte 8-bit unsigned integer
UByteArray Array of UByte
Short 16-bit signed integer
ShortArray Array of Short
UShort 16-bit unsigned integer
UShortArray Array of UShort
Int 32-bit signed integer
IntArray Array of Int
UInt 32-bit unsigned integer
UIntArray Array of UInt
Float 32-bit floating-point number
FloatArray Array of Float
Double 64-bit floating-point number
DoubleArray Array of Double
Long 64-bit signed integer
LongArray Array of Long
ULong 64-bit unsigned integer
ULongArray Array of ULong
String String of characters
Serializable Custom serializable objects

Store values

Same procedure for all the types

Primitives and String

val kmPrefs = KMPrefs("your_storage_path") // create an instance

// for example store a Double value
    key = "constant", // the key of the double value to store
    value = 3.14159265359 // the double value to store

Custom serializable objects

Under the hood the KMPrefs works with the kotlinx-serialization library so it is required to import both the library and the plugin to correctly store and retrieve custom objects

Create the @Serializable object
@Serializable // required
data class Car(
    val plate: String,
    val hp: Int
Store the object
val kmPrefs = KMPrefs("your_storage_path") // create an instance

// create the instance to store
val carToStore = Car(
    plate = "AA000AA",
    hp = 450

// store the instance created
    key = "your_key",
    value = carToStore

Retrieve values

Same procedure for all the types

Primitives and String

// for example retrive a Double value
val constant = kmPrefs.retrieveDouble(
    key = "constant",
    defValue = 1.6180339887 // a default value to use if the searched one is not stored yet

Custom serializable objects

// retrieve the car
val carToStore: Car = kmPrefs.retrieveCustomObject(
    key = "your_key",
    deserializer = ,// custom deserializer to use during the retrieve if the type is not explicit
    defValue = Car(
        plate = "not_found",
        hp = 0
    ) // a default value to use if the searched one is not stored yet

Remove values

// same method for all the types
    key = "constant"

Check whether a key has been stored

// same method for all the types
    key = "your_key"

Check whether a value matches with a specified one

Primitives and String

// same method for all the types
    key = "your_key",
    matcher = // the matcher value such "Hello World!", 22, doubleArrayOf(8, 1) etc...

Custom serializable objects

    key = "your_key",
    deserializer =,// custom deserializer to use when the matcher value is null 
    matcher = carToStore// the matcher custom object


If you need help using the library or encounter any problems or bugs, please contact us via the following links:

Thank you for your help!


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